The logging options controls live logging display, and do not affect the actual events produced.
The actual events under most circumstances are de duplicated at the database layer.
So for the zen26 switch it's not such a big deal, When turned on it will produce 2 on events, only one of which is actually written to the db and sent to subscribing apps.
The Zen27 dimmer on the other hand will produce multiple level reports whilst in transition from one level to another, each with an interim level value, all of these events are sent to the db and any apps using switch level.
A transition from 5 to 99 percent will produce 10 or more level reports.
No other dimmer I'm aware of does this, it cannot be changed or configured.
Sure special code could be included in the driver to ignore these, but why?, why should we spend time hacking up a driver for a device that in our opinion just behaves badly.
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