MyQ broke an integration this week (Google Assistant commands) which has triggered my looking into replacement solutions, without replacing the opener itself. I am trying to avoid solider, if possible.
I am wondering if anyone has experience trying to get the 8550W to work with Bond or a Zooz Zen17?
We have a hard wired opener to each garage door. If I understand Zooz correctly, I could use some wire connectors to connect the garage to the opener and Zooz. Not sure if it is really that simple. I do see that there is a disclaimer on Zooz documentation realted to MyQ, but I am not sure if that means the MyQ add on or the opener with MyQ integrated.
If Bond will allow me to control the opener, then I could check off two, maybe three boxes, as I have a ceiling with a Kichler wireless transmitter. I am also thinking of adding a remote to my fireplace, that I could potentially control with Bond.
With either solution, I will add either a tilt or contact sensor to each garage door?
What do the experts and enthusiasts in this group recommend?
The Zooz Zen16 or Zen17 garage-door solutions work very well - many of us here use them. Zooz even sells a garage door package.
If you have a yellow learn button on your opener(s), you'll additionally need a Garadget adapter, but that gets good reviews here too (my opener doesn't require one, so I have no direct experience).
If you search here for "Zooz garage door" (or similar), there are a ton of threads on various solutions.