Life360 Multiple Circles

I would suggest putting in a feature request for "Multiple Circle Support".

how does life360 work? I have installed it but i assumed it will create presence device is this not correct?

You are correct it will create presence devices for users in that circle. Just look for them under device list.

so how do you separate the people? it only allows app

Once you add the Life360 App, and configure it with the necessary data, it should populate a list of users that you can select. Once you select the Life360 users (you need to have Life360 installed on their phones and and have them joined to your circle), and click Done, the app will create the Presence Devices for each user.

ok think I have it now, thanks for all your help :slight_smile:

Yes this! I see the data in the logs already...wondering if this could be done easily? Or if the new mobile app will make this pointless?

What's weird is that Life360 IS sending webhooksEvent for each and every places you have configured.

Home and Work are the 2 places I have defined.
At 9:34AM I was leaving home. At 9:59AM I was arriving at work.


Both are logged in Hubitat.
I don't understand why we only have access to 1 place in Hubitat.

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yes please

Having access to all of our places would be awesome!

  • Amy has left work
  • Emma has left school

This would open up a whole new set of abilities.

I was thinking of attempting the a port on the st app that claims to allow this. Now that hubitat has their own presence solution I doubt this will get any love...

We can hope that or the new HE App may support more places in the future.

This is one of the LAST things my ST hub is doing...via WebCore's useful to me.

Edit to that to say maybe if we beg nicely we can get them to do the dual circle implementation that webcore did. It's freaking genius and I personally haven't used any other systems that replicate it. It's also rock solid.

I've tried multiple times to port it but I can't get past the oath part. :neutral_face:

With over 50 places saved in Life360, I won't be giving up this app anytime soon.

Edit: the app goes out to life 360 autho page for ST but returns:
{"message":"Missing Authentication Token"}

This is the code I've been trying... Life 360 Code

This is what has held me back. I have seen enough threads where people were having issues with oauth that I kinda think it may be beyond me. Is worth at least one side effort though I suppose.

@cwwilson08 got me already. I thought Chuck was chiming in on this.

Mission accomplished.

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Curious is anyone is still trying to get past the oauth part? I've tried sooo many ways but I'm completely lost at how this works.

Having a 11 year old daughter, tracking is VERY important to me, being able to act on this information would be a huge bonus!

Maybe someone can give us a bone and add places to the existing Life 360 app? Post 14 (spgohome) shows that the info IS there, we just need a way to access it.

@mike.maxwell @chuck.schwer @patrick

EDIT: created a new post requesting the states to be exposed in the official app.

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+1 on this.

The problem is not the oauth as Life360 doesn't use a challenge/response oauth system. They use a simple bearer token mechanism. You send a simple basic auth to the API and it will return a token. This part is already being performed by the Hubitat builtin app.

Once you have the token you can retrieve any information from Life360. This includes the "Places" you are wanting. The title of this topic "Multiple Circles" is misleading as "Circles" within Life360 are just the "Groups" you belong to for sharing your location with other people NOT the places you have setup for geofencing.

The Places are already available. The problem is not the authentication but the presentation of the data. Hubitat has chosen to only provide 1 place for each member device. I think this was done for simplicity within the Hubitat app/driver model as a member can be associated with multiple places. The current place could be used as a device attribute though and have it updated as the member moves from place to place.

I don't do much Hubitat development so I'm not as up to speed on the device development. I do have a lot of experience with Life360 development and GPS/Geofence development.

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