Life360 Broken

HE staff has never been prone to play the whiplash change-game / fast-follower in situations like this where the 3rd-party's intentions aren't clear, and I respect that approach.

Community devs more often are, and that's why it's nice to have choices with how you want to integrate 3rd-party stuff like L360.


And the problem isn't affecting every life 360 user. Our life 360 account has continued to function correctly. Who is to say a "fix" to the firmware by HE isn't going to break what's working for us.

Can you still login in though? Or are you just getting presence updates from LIfe360?

Mine stopped getting updates from 2-users, which typically means I need to login and then it forces a sync (we just did a phone swap, so that is part of the issue). I could not do that, so they are "orphaned". My wife and I still got updates though.

I deleted the Life360 HE connector, and I see from the logs, that Life360 is still trying to send a status update to the hub, so there seems to be a subscription that is stuck in a cloud somewhere:

  • Received cloud request for App 2824 that does not exist, path: /webhook from xx.xx.xx.xx
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If you log into LIfe360, they mention a login issue for July 26th (I think that was the date). It's obviously a transition as they acquired "Tile", which seems to have completed.

My guess is if you are using the old API endpoints in Life360 connector, they will eventually stop providing updates as people update their mobile apps to the latest version supporting the new endpoints.

That's not an unreasonable guess, but until L360 makes clear what their intentions are, that's all any of this is -- just a guess.


For sure. Pure conjecture from my side. :smiley:

But the reality is Life360 owes us no explanation, nor would they express their intentions. It's clear that both the HE version and 3rd party are simply a great developer sniffing the API endpoints from a mobile app and doing some great reverse engineering. Same deal with the 3rd party app I use for my Shark vacuum that encountered the same issue last year.

I chose to adapt and moved to Life360+ which as the new endpoints, vs being left behind. Phone presence is heavily used in my automations and needs to work. :sunglasses:

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Forgot to mention that when you install the HE Life360 connector, it creates virtual presence devices for each member in your life360 circle. When I installed Life360+, it also creates them, with a Life360- prefix. So if you are on the fence, you can install both apps, and they won't conflict. Only catch is you will need to go into your automations that use presence and either swap the trigger from life360, or double up for redundancy. :ok_hand:


I'm also getting a 403 error. I don't see in the driver code where to make these changes. I had life360 send me a password reset and I'm now able to log into the website. Prior to them sending me a password reset, I was getting a "Oops, something went wrong".

I have the following driver installed: 3.0.16 - 08/25/23 - handle http:401 response from life360 and clear token; allowing re-login

ok, so i click on the "App Code" in hubitat, clicked on the life360+ driver, then clicked on "OAuth" and clicked "Update". Then i was able to log into the life360+ app successfully. All looks good now!

Are people still having issues with this.
I've just come back from a 10 day holiday and Life360 is working OK on my phone.
In my logs I'm seeing this for Life360+

2023-09-03 16:12:30.722errorLife360+: cmdHandler: resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@1465a2a

I'm seeing this for the Life360 connector.

app:72572023-09-03 16:13:53.913warnUnable to get token for life360 authorization.

app:72572023-09-03 16:13:53.909errorgetToken Error:[errorMessage:Client is not valid/enabled, url:/v3/oauth2/token.json, status:403]

Any thoughts?
Thanks all.

Mine has continued to work throughout all of this but I haven't had to log in. I've stayed logged in. I'm not seeing any errors in my logs.

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Thanks for the info. Life360 is working OK on my phone.
This morning we went for a walk and it looks like it worked on HE for Life360 connector but not Life360+ even though it's throwing errors for both.
I'll have to do some more testing to identify what is actually happening when I move in and out of my 'Home' circle on each app.

I'm still down. The 360 app works fine, but HE login still fails. I haven't switched over to 360+ yet. Honestly, I switched out the presence stuff to the hubitat app and it seems to work decently.

The built in Life360 app just stopped working for me yesterday. I verified I can sign into the Life360 website with the same email/password I'm using in the Habitat app.

Same here. Last successful event was on Sep 7th, and I haven't been able to log in since.

Oops nevermind, I didn't read the thread. The '+' version of Life360 is installed and working fine. But the built-in version is not working.

I switched to plus about a week ago. Pretty bummed that the native integration hasn't been corrected yet.

Nah makes sense, indubitably it'll be fixed in the next update.

May not happen if we can't find a way to ensure that the integration will not break again without prior notification leaving our users out cold with no reasonable time-frame for a resolution.


Surely that's mentioned in Chapter 6 of the Common Sense Business Ethics manual

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Yeah I fully understand that this is basically squarely on Life360 for not communicating with people.