Life 360 login help

same just tried not working

Well damn. I checked and it said ok now it says failed again

Thanks for the info. It looks like the migration to their new server has not been completed for all accounts, as there are still major issues being reported even for non-API users. We are following this issue and will make the necessary changes when there will be no more incidents reported. Meanwhile we recommend to not make any changes to your Life 360 accounts, even if they appear to no longer be active.


It's interesting that all they have on their support site is try again later. Not great support.

However, I suppose the majority of their users are already logged in and not using the API. My phone is logged in and working fine. I cannot log any new devices in. And of course the API appears to be mostly hosed.

Mine is back to saying ok again. See how long it lasts. :person_shrugging:

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Have you tested that it is actually working? I can't even login to the web site so they clearly have an extended problem.

Have they posted any updates? I don't have Twitter X for obvious reasons. On Facebook people are continuing to post that login is not working and an auto-responder is telling them that the problem has been solved.

It’s been fixed


It is now working for me, in the last hour.


Fixed for me too.

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Just started failing for me:

app:8312023-08-22 22:51:08.277warnUnable to get token for life360 authorization.
app:8312023-08-22 22:51:08.236errorgetToken Error:[errorMessage:Client is not valid/enabled, status:403, url:/v3/oauth2/token.json]
app:8312023-08-22 22:51:07.467debugparams : [grant_type:password, username:***, password:***] [Authorization:Basic ***]

Aye, failing again for me too

Yup looks like Life360 Connector authentication failed again on Hubitat.

Me too

Just out of curiosity, did it just start throwing these errors or did you only get them when trying to connect the app? Perhaps because it disconnected for some reason? Mine remains connected and working, but I dare not disconnect and see if it reconnects.

When I had the issues previously, I noticed that it had disconnected and it would not let me reconnect.

That was when they admitted that they were having issues, but their communications were not reliable as they indicated that everything was fine long before it was and suggested you contact tech support. I did this and they never responded.

Bottom line - it may be an issue with the authentication that doesn't impact some or all of us that are already connected. And I suppose it wouldn't hurt to contact their technical support, as based on history this might be related to the previous issues?

I'm also unable to get Hubitat to login to Life360 Connector again (since that last user-wide outage a month ago and it's subsequent restoration). Same error as everyone else now.

Seemed to stop working sometime yesterday, Tuesday (Aug. 22) after 9 AM Eastern Time.

I hadn't rebooted the hub until today, nor did I manually log off of the Life360 Connector yesterday, so nothing on my end had changed on the day of the outage.

Looks like round 2 of Life 360 changes is in full bloom. As previously mentioned, please do not make any changes while they sort things out.


Is anyone else having issues with Life360 not working this evening? I noticed when I got home today nothing ran like it should and noticed that Life360 Connector is saying something errored with my login even though it hasn't changed. Just for S&G's I changed my password and put it back in the Life360 Connector app and it still says the same.

Unable to get token for life360 authorization.

getToken Error:[errorMessage:Client is not valid/enabled, status:403, url:/v3/oauth2/token.json]

Update: I found this post: Life360 Broken - #29 by jbaruch


No problems here. When I got home last night everything based on my Life360 location worked just fine.

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I'm not having any issues either. Our departures and arrivals are being recognized correctly.

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