Leeo — Possible service shutdown

Haha I was very confused and very concerned for a minute there! April fools!


Ya sorry about that ! My mistake.

To clarify -- LEEO will NOT DETECT SMOKE or CO anymore. It will not sound any alarm... the device is bricked and should be tossed into the bin.


Yeah it was a bummer when they announced they were shutting down their cloud. It was a month or two after the initial announcement, I think?

For something as important as smoke/CO notifications while away from home, I prefer to have multiple independent notifications in case one fails, so Leeo was a nice adjunct to the devices I could integrate directly with hubitat (and ST before that).

I can’t say I’m shocked they went under though, it seems like another example of a startup with a great piece of hardware but not enough ongoing revenue to keep themselves and their cloud serves afloat

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Damn! Ok, ordering a Nest Protect for my parents now. Thanks for the info.


The Onelink devices are junk. They won’t stay connected to WiFi. Tech support has no idea. I’m ripping mine out and returning to Costco. I bought this ... works well to trigger my escape lights


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Yeah the ecolink firefighter is nice. I use the first alert zcombos where I need some extra battery-only detectors; I wish they would make a version that runs on 120V AC.


Is anyone else a little surprised we didn’t get an email saying “hey, we’re officially shutting our server off today”?

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It’s very likely there’s no one to send that email. Their cloud instance subscription was probably expired, and the renewal grace period ended today. Automation probably took over and deleted it.

I'm actually surprised you got a message months ago letting you know things were looking bad-prepare for the worst. All too often, companies turn off the lights and disappear.

Actually they did send that one out too.

Hell Yes, very surprised.

Another shitty cloud idea up in smoke.
Never again with the cloud nonsense.
I'll hold onto mine, untill someone hacks it or strip it for parts if not

those regularly go on sale, check slickdeals and set an alert
Costco had a 3 pack a while ago I think for 80 bucks?

If you have Alexa, a few months ago, they came out with Alexa Guard free. When you leave, you say " Alexa I'm leaving" and it listens for smoke or C02 alarms and glass breakage and sends you a notification. When you get back home you just say " Alexa I'm home" and it turns off Alexa Guard. May be helpful to some. Just use the Akexa app to utilize. Dont know how sensitive it is.

To add to what @tony3286 said, if you have Echo Speaks installed, you can automate Alexa Guard to start/stop with HE.

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Thats an EXCELLENT idea. I always forget to turn Alexa guard on. May i ask how you did that? I'd like to turn on Alexa guard on when HSM is set away and turned off when mode DAY

If you haven't already installed Echo Speaks, go here for detailed instructions:


Once everything is up & running, this is part of app.

I have Echo Speaks on my ST so it will look a little different on HE.

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Much appreciated! I was hoping to do this as a Hubitat rule and an Alexa routine but I'll check out the Echo speaks app.

I think an Alexa routine can turn on Alexa Guard but not turn off so you could create a virtual switch on HE that triggers an Alexa Routine. This is a recent option to Alexa Routines I believe. I already had Echo Speaks installed so I have stayed that route.

For some reason I'm NOT allowed to choose virtual switch in Alexa even though under devices it shows in Alexa.( I had added it to Hubitat's Alexa skill app) When I choose Smart Home for "when this happens", the virtual switch does not appear, but for some reason a Virtual Contact sensor does - STRANGE

Actually that’s just a limitation of Alexa routines, as currently implemented by amazon. Only certain types of devices can be treated as triggers for their routines. AFAIK it’s contact and motion sensors.