Last cloud backup was unsuccessful. Failed steps: Z-Wave

This issue is being worked on, it may help if you PM your hub UID (Settings/Hub Details) to @support_team In case they want to look at your engineering logs.

Did the cloud back up get fixed in this update? I have it turned off for now.

2.3.9 there was a multiple efforts made to resolve it during beta. I am not sure if it was fixed for 100% of people but it definitely got better from what I read.

I think the latest fix allows the radio to gracefully recover if it does crash so it wont leave you in a dead state. That may have solved the issues of waking up to a dead radio for everyone.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Could backup failed alert wont go away, no subscription

Has this issue been fixed? Is it safe for me to turn on Cloud Backups again?

It has been fixed for the majority of people. There have been a few cases still popping up but it seems to be very isolated.

I'll reenable and report back if any issues.



It is not fixed in It kill my z-wave after the failed update.

Same only on 1 of 4 hubs but it is a relatively new c8. For niw turning off and doing manual cloud backups.

I can also report, NOT fixed. I'm on What info does Hubitat need from me to assist in a fix? This is getting OLD.

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Just want to chime in that I had my first failed backup (and corrupted Z-Wave DB apparently - totally dead sub system) last night. I was able to restore from the cloud backup I had from 8/14 and it appears to have fixed the issue.

Backup failed on C-8 8/21. Upgraded after restore to .166 this morning.

You could have just restored from a more recent local backup unless somehow one of the radio's was wiped out (very unlikely). The cloud radio backups should only be needed in the event of total hardware failure and replacement.

You can PM your hub UID to @Bobby and let him know that you failed cloud backup and Z-Wave failure.

Did you mean to say...." The cloud radio backups should only be needed in the event of total hardware failure and replacement" ??

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Considering the Z-Wave radio was showing failure of every node after a power down, the failure coincided with a cloud backup, and I haven't made any changes in the last week I felt it was best to roll back to the last known good cloud backup rather than any local backups.

A shut down and power cycle (30 seconds unplugged) usually would clear that up, and if it does not, restoring a cloud backup is not likely to make any further difference. Just FYI.

Well, the cloud backup restore definitely did what a shutdown and reboot didn't, and I had a working system all day yesterday. Then I woke up this morning to the same symptoms. I noticed that another cloud backup was made last night, and it makes me wonder if the process of making the Z-Wave DB backup is triggering the failure. I've submitted a ticket.

If you go to Logs | Hub Events what does it show for the cloudBackup event?

Yes, it is a known issue and they keep trying to fix it and it has gotten a lot better but still happens to a small percent of people occasionally. I believe when the backup is being done the radio has to go offline and then if the backup fails it does not always come back up afterwards. I think that usually it does not show that is crashed in the logs, since it does not actually crash.

This is why a shut down and power pull for 30+ seconds 99.9% of the time brings the radio back online.

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THanks @jtp10181. I tried that the first failure to no avail, but not the second, so I'll have to try it if/when it happens next time.