Lack of supported zigbee smoke detectors

How do you plan to use the Zen16 with the BRK and how are you using it with the WaterCop? I have one that I use as a dry contact relay but unsure how that applies to your use cases. Assume I am unaware of another feature of the Zen16.

Yup no batteries is a good thing. :+1:

That said, my ecolink firefighter is still at 100% after 18 months (for what that is worth). In my case I put the firefighter next to the easiest to get to detector, so a battery change out is just a chair + 30s.

Since I wasn't smart enough to get 7-10 year battery detectors when I replaced these, I get up there 1x/year anyway whether I like it or not. lol

I've put a FireFighter in as well. I put it next to one of the smoke alarms in the basement - since they are all interconnected, I chose a place that was out of the way and easy to access.


It is a cool device.

  • Up to 5 year battery
  • Has worked 100.0% of the times i've tested it (on purpose or accidentally)
  • $35

Hard to beat in my opinion.


It's also quite small. When I first saw the pictures I didn't realize how small they were. Pretty unobtrusive.

Here's mine by my combo smoke+CO detector, for reference.

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I used the Zen16 to adapt my Classic WaterCop. It has it's own non z-wave transmitters. When the valve closes by them, I get a notification. Also, with the new z-wave leak sensors I bought, it closes the valve when they detect water.

I have an empty relay location with its associated switch. I think the BRK relay uses a dry contact which I'll hook up to the Zen16 switch. I can detect the position of the Zen16 relay via the Hub, and off we go from there.


We accidentally tested ours when (as part of the kitchen renovation) they were renailing the subfloor. This kicked up lots of dust, which triggered the new smoke detectors, which starting going off, followed immediately by alerts from HSM. Worked exactly as desired.


Just discovered that my current smoke detectors can be "upgraded" to e Zigbee or Z-wave device.
Witch is the recommended protocol to use since Hubitat supports both?

I doubt either of those modules are "officially" supported.

I would see if someone else has tried them, and verified they work with Hubitat, 1st before spending a bunch of money.


Did you get anywhere with these and integrating with Hubitat?

Yeah, I'd like to hear as well. The company was smart enough to make these plug in radio modules to accommodate either standard ! Guess that means they want you to be able to talk to their device without any proprietary monitoring device?

They appear to be right up there with the best of the big names in the US. Wonder if they are rated by US certifications?

@James_be tell us more!

I tried getting hold of these, almost impossible unless your a retailer. I gave up in the end.

Has anyone seen a bracket/spacer or something to mount the Firefighter "sidecar style" to a smoke alarm box? Drilling or adhesive is not always a favourite thing around here.

A lot of the reviews on Amazon say that the Firefighter didn't detect their alarms even when sitting right next to a detector. Anyone else had that experience? I've stayed away from these devices because of the negative reviews.

Ring also has a listener sensor as well. Anyone tried that? Its zwave.

Not with the z-wave plus version of the firefighter. I have it sitting right next to an interlinked smoke/CO detector, and it has never failed - either during a deliberate test, or an accidental alarm setoff while cooking.


My Z-wave Plus FireFighter is installed 8" (center to center) from my detector and it works perfectly - especially when we triggered it accidentally.



I contacted their support and got this response

  • Question: Do the ZWave and Zigbee modules integrate with Hubitat?
    Answer: Unfortunately not currently as we have not undertaken any projects to implement this.
    Comment: This is annoying, I guess they will undertake this integration work if enough people ask them for it?

  • Question: Where can said modules be bought?
    Answer: Please google and you will be able to find the best deal.
    Comment: Also annoying, they can't even recommend a retailer, and even @AverageJoe90 said how hard this was to do, they should really work on this

  • Question: Are they and other products rated by US Certifications?
    Answer: Our products are not certified for US market. Only to European Standards.


And this is pretty much the exact problem I had. I thought what’s the point if they aren’t going to be helpful.

Seemingly shortsighted as I would expect the Euro standards to be no less stringent so it wouldn't seem like it would cost them anything in design ....but who knows. Just surprising in this day and age that any large manufacturer would purposely exclude any of the top 4 markets.

Thanks for adding info to the story.