Lack of supported zigbee smoke detectors

If you use Xiaomi, you can also use this driver.

Mine are all the battery powered type. Maybe thatโ€™s different? :man_shrugging:t3:

But, I did by a Mains powered version for my parents and it hasnโ€™t given any false alarms in the year itโ€™s been installed.

I only had 1 battery powered one, and it never false alarmed. :slight_smile:

Like I said, I know way more people that had good experiences than bad with them. Which makes sense, as people wouldn't be buying them for the price if they didn't work for most!

Unfortunately for me it was an expensive, painful experience though. For whatever bad luck/reason I had. lol

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Thanks. I did mention that one in my original post but I believe it's not being maintained anymore. At least it's been 17 months since the last changes were committed to it:

I believe the markus-li drivers (which Carl pointed out) are more actively maintained so I think I'll go for those.

I use this zwave 2-in-1, mainly because it integrates into my Ring monitored alarm. The only negative is that they don't sync with each other, meaning if one goes off they all would not sound.

I'm sitting here this morning figuring out if I replace the hard wired one that went out at 4am with another one of these kiddie ones, even though it isn't hardwired.

What brand did you use after you left Nest?

I have standard non-smart interconnected detectors (hardwired to each other, as is the code in newer construction) with an Ecolink Firefighter detection device to get status.


Ditto, I have a newer construction home that came with a dozen interconnected BRK ionization smoke detectors. The builder installed two separate Co2 detectors, so I removed those and replaced two of the BRK smoke only with BRK combo smoke/Co2 versions. Then next to one of the combo smoke/Co2 detectors I installed an Ecolink Firefighter. Works perfectly testing both smoke and Co2 separately and the Ecolink detects smoke and Co2 events accurately.

Going the Ecolink Firefighter route was considerably cheaper then replacing all 12 of the brand new smoke detectors with "smart" versions. In my case, I bought the Z-wave version of the Firefighter, but they also have a Zigbee version if you prefer.


Almost identical quantity and reasoning my my situation. $50 ecolink... Or like $1000+ for "smart" detectors. Super easy decision, and the ecolink works perfectly.


That reminds me: I haven't installed the BRK relay yet. I just looked, and I have an extra position on the Zen16 (used for the WaterCop Classic conversion), so I can just string a wire over to it in the basement and not think about batteries.

How do you plan to use the Zen16 with the BRK and how are you using it with the WaterCop? I have one that I use as a dry contact relay but unsure how that applies to your use cases. Assume I am unaware of another feature of the Zen16.

Yup no batteries is a good thing. :+1:

That said, my ecolink firefighter is still at 100% after 18 months (for what that is worth). In my case I put the firefighter next to the easiest to get to detector, so a battery change out is just a chair + 30s.

Since I wasn't smart enough to get 7-10 year battery detectors when I replaced these, I get up there 1x/year anyway whether I like it or not. lol

I've put a FireFighter in as well. I put it next to one of the smoke alarms in the basement - since they are all interconnected, I chose a place that was out of the way and easy to access.


It is a cool device.

  • Up to 5 year battery
  • Has worked 100.0% of the times i've tested it (on purpose or accidentally)
  • $35

Hard to beat in my opinion.


It's also quite small. When I first saw the pictures I didn't realize how small they were. Pretty unobtrusive.

Here's mine by my combo smoke+CO detector, for reference.

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I used the Zen16 to adapt my Classic WaterCop. It has it's own non z-wave transmitters. When the valve closes by them, I get a notification. Also, with the new z-wave leak sensors I bought, it closes the valve when they detect water.

I have an empty relay location with its associated switch. I think the BRK relay uses a dry contact which I'll hook up to the Zen16 switch. I can detect the position of the Zen16 relay via the Hub, and off we go from there.


We accidentally tested ours when (as part of the kitchen renovation) they were renailing the subfloor. This kicked up lots of dust, which triggered the new smoke detectors, which starting going off, followed immediately by alerts from HSM. Worked exactly as desired.


Just discovered that my current smoke detectors can be "upgraded" to e Zigbee or Z-wave device.
Witch is the recommended protocol to use since Hubitat supports both?

I doubt either of those modules are "officially" supported.

I would see if someone else has tried them, and verified they work with Hubitat, 1st before spending a bunch of money.