Konnected IO....taking the plunge this weekend...any advice?

I had planned on installing the version that replaces my current alarm. While I like the idea of leaving the existing system connected when I looked at the install videos it seemed a little problematic to connect the konnected board back to the system so it could Arm and disarm . So I figure I will take the easier path. But apparently I do have 60 days to evaluate Thanks.

You are correct in that if you use the Konnected interface option you need to set up relays to turn off an on your original alarm. I didn't install the relay because you need an extra zone to utilize it which I didn't have. I do however have sirens for the Hubitat HSM which is activated if EITHER my old wired system or any of my Hubitat sensors are activated and that hybrid system can be turned off or on remotely with the Hubitat app or with a Hubitat installed keypad . I also have my old wired system intact if something occurs with the Hubitat system, i can always fall back using that with my original keypads. REMEMBER, if you use the original Konnected option you must always use the app to arm and disarm your system, your old keypads wont work any longer, something my wife wouldn't be happy with lolo. Just trying to give you the pros and cons.

Don't forget for anyone that has not already purchased a Knonnected system, if you have a DSC or Honeywell panel you can use the Alarmdecoder device which can be an easier installation. With Alarmdecoder you do not need to touch any of the zones on your panel, you just connect the Alarmdecoder device with 4 leads to the terminals where the keypad connects to and that is it. The alarm system will still function completely independent from AD itself. There is also an app/driver setup that will integrate with HE and HSM and all zones are setup as their own devices in HE and can be used in any automatons.

You can also fully arm/disarm the system from HE, I actually use mine based on modes/presence. When my house is in Away mode the system automatically arms and then disarms when someone arrives.

This is how I have mine setup for a couple years now, I originally used it on ST before I had HE and it has worked well. The biggest downside is it will only work with DSC/Honeywell systems and that is where Knonnected works well, being that it is basically platform agnostic.

AlarmDecoder Device


Appreciate that.

Because I already ordered the replacement boards I’m likely going to justify the decision and find all of the reasons a replacement is better LoL. But I do like the idea of leaving things intact!

For some reason, I think that my wife will use it more when I put it on an app. She hates arming and dis arming from the key pad. I plan on installing a couple of amazon tablets where the key pads are as I also want to have a HE dashboard available too

I like that I can simply rewire to the replacement boards. I don’t think I’d end up being able to configure it ifninhabe to start using relays and tying back to the hard wired panel. So I may be biting off more than I can chew if I choose the replacement.

The only downside I see after starting this thread is the alarm going down and not knowing it. And I see there are some solutions being suggested.

Either way. I’m going to rig up a few zones, siren and motion sensor on a bread board and set the system up in parallel to see if I like it. If I do. I’ll rig it in if not. I might consider the piggy back.
Appreciate all the suggestions though.

Replying to my own thread.
Was looking at the instrucruins for apps and drivers. Konnected has instructions for installing both. I just wanyed to check with the community if these were the latest drivers please.

Hubitat: Install Konnected Drivers : Konnected Help & Support

Hoping to set up on a breadboard this evening. Let operate for a while to ensure i have it all figured out before tesring out my wired panel


Here's the official Konnected post with links to the latest apps and drivers.

Konnected is connected, up and running. I havent completed any commands yet but the board sees all the contacts.

I’ve purchased the konnected interface and was going to try and wire up to my alarm panel this weekend, I got the contact sensors and motion sensors all working. But not sure I can configure to check if alarm has been set or not without the access to the engineer code ... :man_shrugging:

Thanks for that. Question please. If the connected board drops off the network, is it simple reboot or did you need to reinitialize to the wifi ( similar to the initial setup)

I just pull power from the konnected board and reboot it to get it back on wifi.

Personally I think there should be a LAN option and not just WiFi for reliability.


Just had the issue of Konnected going offline because of a 3 day power outage. When power came back, I saw the Konnected board blinking the blue light, when I saw that, I just went on my cell phone, went into Wifi settings, and saw the Konnected WIFI and reconnected Like I did when I first installed it. VERY SIMPLE. Just remember, the Konnected wifi board SHOULD NOT have a CONSTANT blue light blinking. If it does that means its looking to reconnect

I had installed the Konnected interface and because I didn't have an extra empty zone , I couldn't connect the relays to turn the alarm off or on, BUT remember, your now connected to your Hubitat system so if you have the Home security monitor setup and have a siren connected to that, then you can just arm Hubitat and it will utilize all your wired and wireless sensors and if , GOD forbid a break in, the Hubitat siren will go off. ALSO, if your really paranoid lolo- (which I am when taking long trips) I arm BOTH the Hubitat alarm AND my wired alarm . They both can work together with no issues, You just wont be able to turn your old wired system off and on from away, but all your wired sensors will work with both systems

That’s good intel to know and how to handle. Appreciate the detail.
So with all of the if-then options on Hubitat is there no monitor that can send a text if something goes off line?
Or is that something that the users have to recommend to Hubitat to address in the future?
I know another gent mentioned a different solution with other software but would be great to get as a native part of Hubitat capability.

Not easily, no. That's why I do it in node-red. Someone could submit it as an enhancement request, though.

Native is OK - but I do so many things in Node-Red, even if it were built in I would likely still do it in Node-Red. It is just much better suited for that type of logic.

Like Jason said, not easily. I'm not inclined to have other computers etc running just to check if the hub is connected. I'm surprised they haven't devised a way of at least emailing you when your hub looses internet connection. Tons of devices do that. But let's give them time, after all Hubitat is an infant in the world of hubs and the staff are fantastic. For now, check every so often when your away for extended periods of time, your logs. No logs, probably system down.

As i get deeper in, and maybe more comfortable-confident, i’ll give that a try. Thanks.

Anyone you out the new Konnected update today?

The new update sounds good, even if ota updates are the only thing that really applies to me.

I'll install it when I have time to pull my 3 boards out and lug over to a computer.

Since it was just released, wondering if its been thoroughly test and ready for prime time. Was going to flash it but realized I don't have the male to male standard usb connector needed - off to Amazon lolo