Kiwkset Lock - Zwave to Zigbee Conversion

Amazon has the Kwikset Z-Wave and Z-Wave+ modules. Had to purchase one awhile back when I bought a lock and didn't realize it was a model without a radio. Added in the module and no issues.

As stated elsewhere, Zigbee modules appear more difficult to find, but Ebay is showing one:

@672southmain There are no battery events in the logs for this device. I'm not sure how I would set the parameter.

If I understand correctly, from reading your posts above, your lock is Z-Wave. If so, here’s the tool to do it:

Ask if it’s not clear from reading that thread how to use the tool. Basically, you switch the driver for your device to the tool driver, save device, click configure, set the parameter, change driver back, save device, click configure.

As to which parameter & the value, look on, see this device in products, they are required to have a table of how to configure.

This is more of a Z-Wave note, but since it was spurred by a Zigbee conversion, I thought I'd add to this thread. I recently bought an Amazon lock to convert one of my 910s from Z-Wave to Zigbee. That process was seamless, as documented here, just swap the cards. Special thanks to all who have contributed to this thread, especially the note to grab a used unit from AMZN to harvest the Zigbee card from. ($32 for me!)

Somewhere in the process of moving all of my HE "stuff" from the old device to the new, it dawned on me: The actual Convert hardware makes a great "portable" mothership for the Z-Wave card. Pop a Z-Wave card into the Convert hardware, and you now have an easy method to move the Z-Wave card close to the hub for secure pairing, then pop the card back into the 'real' lock already mounted on the door for use. If I had known about the Convert unit when I originally installed my locks, I would have gladly paid the $32 for the convenience.

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Quick question - are the lock codes stored on the Z-Wave/Zigbee module? I'm assuming that if I swap out the Z-Wave module for a Zigbee one, I would need to re-do the codes but wanted to check if that was a fact. Since the Convert (Amazon) version does not have a keypad, I wasn't sure.

Yes, I believe the codes are stored in the radio module.

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If I can confirm what I read through this thread (I have Kwikset 910s):

  • The z-wave module/board can be pulled out and switched with a Zigbee module.
  • The module is located just in front of the battery and can be pulled up and out
  • The lock can then be included as Zigbee and everyone has had a much better experience with the Zigbee handling
  • All other parts of the installed lock remain the same
  • You can either buy the board online, or a used lock and harvest the board from it
  • Stay away from the red boards

Did I get this right?

Also, as an aside. I have been running these locks on Homeseer and Hubitat - the issues appear to be universal. Thanks

I think that pretty much covers it.

I converted three 910s from Z-Wave to Zigbee, and my missed reports/changes went way down. I have a very small bit of trouble with one lock now, it's no doubt a mesh issue and even that is so low that I haven't bothered with a repeater. Just flick the lock back and forth and it catches it. The other two locks have been flawless.

I used this Amazon lock for my Zigbee card donors. As I mentioned above, this makes a nice 'carrier' unit for the old/other card. I would leave my HE unit as-it-was, physically swap the cards in the door unit, add the Zigbee card on-the-door, (ETA: swap rules, dashboards, LCM, etc. over to the new device,) then use the convert shell to remove the old Z-Wave module.

I tried to buy in the mid-to-high $30 range, and only from Amazon Warehouse. Sometimes the price does bounce around a bit. I had to wait on 1 or 2 of my locks to find the 'right' time to buy. (And for some reason the venetian bronze finish was always cheaper for me. Of course, it doesn't matter, but I thought that was interesting. I suppose more of those are being returned.)


I bought the same but I had a hard time trying to get the card out of my old Z-Wave lock, so it's just sitting there for now. Is there any trick to getting the card out from the 910s?

Remove the battery pack, then just pull the card up. There's a bit of a lip on the front/room side of the card, so if you can get your fingernail or perhaps a plastic spudger under it, that would make it easier. Play around with your convert unit. Physically, they're the same in the battery/card area. It's one of those things where after you get it the first time, it just 'clicks.'


ok, I have ordered a lovely Venetian Bronze lock and am looking forward to playing with the Zigbee implementation. It certainly beats paying for 4 new locks, and even if I did this I wouldn't know what to buy to replace them!

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I just bought a Kwikset 912 zigbee lever lock to replace a side door entry door knob lock. Was going to get the Yale but I read some reviews where the physical key is very easy to pick. I'm not thrilled with the keypad but like the small footprint. We'll see how the WAF goes..

I really like my Zigbee Kwikset 912... its been installed a 18 months now, gets used a half dozen times a day, has required zero intervention and is still going strong on its original set of batteries (it has been alerting me via beeps/flashing lights since they dropped to 15% last October... now reporting zero for the last two weeks but still working like a champ).


Anyone know if the Kwikset Amazon Key Edition will plug into an existing Kwikset keypad? I only have one 910, that's an easy swap of the boards. However, I have two 98880-004's (Smartcode 888's purchased new in 2020), could I just remove the whole interior control and replace with the Convert? i.e. is there a place to plug in the keypad on these? Any one have any pictures? Thanks!

I had 2 914 locks that I converted from z-wave to Zigbee that way. board just slides in place of the old one.


Anyone notice multiple notifications when you switch from ZWave to Zigbee on the Kwikset locks?
I posted over here as a few folks there have the same issue, but it's a little dated, so maybe I am missing the solution .

I am not getting multiple notifications on mine and I made the switch.

What model do you have?

I have 2 914's that were originally z-wave.