Keep Nest Protect emergency lights functional after August 31

I would definitely prefer something other than thread over WiFi for communications, and a continued open access program, but at least there is this option With Homebridge, which has become a nice parallel platform lately.

I’ve had terrible false alarm issues with many different brands of Smoke detectors I’ve tried, always getting multiple replacement units from the manufacturer, but never getting results that weren’t riddled with jarring false alarms in the middle of the night. I have never had a problem with the Nest Protect. Not a single false alarm in 4 years. It is the features and lack of false alarms that keep me using them. But I’m happy to also not lose the capability to trigger actions based on alarms, thanks to this plug-in.

I'm having a hell of a time getting homebridge installed on my RPI at least trying to figure out what I really need... Maybe I'm just a little confused. I'm assuming I need both the nest and the hubitat-makerapi plugins to get this to work successfully or only the nest? If I need the hubitat-makerapi plugin, I've been trying to follow the instructions on that thread but I can't find the access token info in makerapi... I feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle somewhere. LOL

Time to go to bed... tomorrow is another day...

You only need the nest plugin to get connected to nest.
If you want to activate a switch in Hubitat based on an event of the nest protect (alexa routine), you also need the homebridge-hubitat-makerapi plugin

Open up MakerAPI in Hubitat and scroll all the way down. You'll see some example URLs, the access token is in there:


Have you created a seperate family account to get around the 2FA so the plugin starts up if it's shutdown for some reason? I tried this and it now makes you convert your nest account to a google account and I haven't done that yet. I'm thinking of just turning 2FA off to get this to work.


Turn on 2FA. For now anyway, it seems you are going to lose out on a lot when nest integration gets turned off due to an account change. Keep your nest account for sure. Google doesn't know what they're doing on this one. That is clear.

I use a throw away account for it. I only want triggers from alarms, so what else happens to that account, I do not care.

Backup automations with something like Controller for HomeKit. When your 2FA account gets disconnected I learned tonight, all the nests disappear and you will have to recreate automations, thanks to that great Apple idea to automatically delete your automations when a device goes offline temporarily. :roll_eyes: You then have to put the new 2FA code into the config.json file or it won't restart. great. :neutral_face: There was a change to the Nest 2FA and it wasn’t staying the same number for a few minutes like before. I reached out to the developer and he also suggested that I just leave the number blank in the config.json file and enter the 2FA number into the console window in startup. I’m now doing that, and it works great. I think someone recommended that to me, but I didn’t clue in at the time :crazy_face: Anyway, it is a bit odd, because Homebridge prompts for the number, but does not pause there. It just keeps loading other plugins and listing them in the console, so it’s not obvious that you need to enter the 2FA number. It kind of looks like you’re just typing it in a random spot, but once you enter the number and hit return, the QR code appears and Homebridge starts running. What’s so much better, is your automations in HomeKit to tie your Nest Protect events to virtual switches don’t get disrupted. I can easily work with this, and still be able to start and stop Homebridge without having to do anything more that enter the new 2FA number in the console window.

Ok, I have nest plugin working... but MakerAPI is giving me fits... I feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle. I'll post over on @dan.t thread.

He'll be able to help you. I've been so happy with it. I run on an old MacBook Pro and it's reliable and fast. Definitely becoming a parallel work flow for me.

One other question... I still have Nest Integration within Hubitat enabled. With homebridge nest and maker api I can remove that? How can I see the Nest Protects I have in Hubitat then to use them for rules?

Or do I only see the Protects in homekit and use a virtual switches for different conditions like smoke or co2 to pass to hubitat that work with devices based on rules I configure against those virtual switches?

Yes :point_up:

Apple TV controls the automations in the background. It runs in the lowish power sleep mode. I don't know what the number is offhand, but consumption is higher for Apple TV 4 and up in sleep than previous Apple TV 2 and 3 models.

Do you use the nest integration for thermostats? Hey I wonder if this gives you nest cams or their alarm system in HomeKit? Wouldn't that be convenient. :thinking:
I don't have any of those though. So no idea if you are going to lose some compatibility. You will not be able to see anything in Hubitat. It must be linked by virtual switches. But you can translate most things with RM4.

When nest bedroom, for example, detects smoke, turn on the switch labelled hubitat smoke bedroom. HE sees the switch turned on and you automate based on that trigger in RM 4.

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I only have Nest Protects. I use Ecobee 4 for my Thermostat. I use Foscam cameras that I still have on ST with the RBoy app for Foscam cameras. The only thing I do with them is use presence to arm the cameras for motion detection and image capture when I'm away from home.

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I have two AppleTV 4Ks... so it'll be ok for them to sleep and not have to be "on" all the time?

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Almost the same, but I use Wyze. Presence is a Xioami motion sensor instead of the camera. Back camera needs a motion sensor too, but it's exposed. I may go with Hue for that.


The awesome thing is I got Homebridge working off Containerstation on my QNAP NAS... no PI needed... now I can remove Nest from Hubitat and configure the rules... I was worried what was going to happen after Aug 31st. Thanks @SmartHomePrimer for this!!!

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Homebridge just opened me up to a whole new home world... LOL like I don't have enough to do :slight_smile:

Thanks to the developers adrian.cable and chrisjshull. They pulled me out of a bind until nest get it together, or maybe they never will :no_mouth:

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Turning Nest off of Hubitat just about made me cry lol

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I'm also running an Aqara HomeKit hub and it's reliable. Xiaomi devices pair very well, stay put and react very quickly and so far reliably. I've only have contact sensors and a few buttons on it. Other than that, it is a doorbell, supplemental alarm, a light for alarm states (turn red, along with other capable lights in any alarm situation), and a night light. It's cute. A fancy accessory, but inexpensive. I'm just not sure how to extend its Zigbee network other than with Xiaomi light switches, or maybe lightbulbs. I don't know what they use to extend their Zigbee networks on their hubs. I seem to vaguely recall someone writing that they could pair a Trådfri outlet with it. I suppose google is in order. :slightly_smiling_face: