Keenect Lite (Release)

So one Virtual Thermostat for each vented zone/room?

Yes, they are used for the set point temperature for each zone. Hot set point for heating, cold set point for cooling.

Excellent app and a nice clean port from ST - thanks! Also big thanks for your support of Lite.

I've got it working with my Ecobee rather than standalone, since my home goes back and forth from heat to cooling in the summer, but I'm a little unclear on a couple of the settings:
I've got the Ecobee set to Auto mode and Fan to Auto as well, but I'm wondering about the settings on the virtual Zone thermostats for the Keen vents.

Should they be set to Auto as well? And what about their fan settings - Auto, Circulate, or On?

For the virtual thermostat in each zone, the fan setting does not matter. The thermostat mode, I have set to auto so both heat and cool setpoints show on a dashboard. Keenect Lite doesn’t care about the mode.

Can I get the master log and the zone log? Also change the logging level to need help.

Ok, this says heating, that comes from the master. Can I get that log?

Sorry, I need the log for the Keenect master app.

Can you go to the app page and go to your keenect lite master click the gear icon and scroll down until you see this?

Can you also see if the Eco bee device has a thermostatoperating state under current states on its device page?

Sorry - had to correct upload files

Wierd. I have a nest, so I am thinking we are not getting the state change from th ecobee, here is my example:
debugOperatingStateHandler event : com.hubitat.hub.domain.Event@39794fc

app:16982019-05-05 07:31:19.015 pm debugSending TStat Change to Zones FAN ONLY

app:16982019-05-05 07:31:19.012 pm debugOperatingStateHandler event : com.hubitat.hub.domain.Event@27e15c2b

app:16982019-05-05 07:11:12.877 pm debugSending TStat Change to Zones COOLING

app:16982019-05-05 07:11:12.873 pm debugOperatingStateHandler event : com.hubitat.hub.domain.Event@6e320f41

app:16982019-05-05 06:56:52.248 pm debugSending TStat Change to Zones FAN ONLY

app:16982019-05-05 06:56:52.240 pm debugOperatingStateHandler event : com.hubitat.hub.domain.Event@25ec0c62

Can you go to your ecobee events and see if the operatingstate changes are there?

Here's an error that showed up at 8PM, when a refresh was scheduled:
app:992019-05-05 08:01:42.459 pm errorException getEcobeeDevices: 500, Internal Server Error, data:[status:[code:14, message:Authentication token has expired. Refresh your tokens. ]]

No Ecobee events subscriptions

I've set debug logging for the ecobee device

Any luck on the ecobee?

Several of these errors this morning, before Ecobee supposedly fixed a server issue, but no log entries for successful connections:

app:992019-05-06 07:20:30.203 am errorUnhandled exception org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to [] failed: connect timed out in ecobee polling pollAttempt:1, isThermostatPolled:false, isSwitchesPolled:true

Seems likely to be a frequent error, maybe needs some error handling?

Well, I've got a workaround. I'm using Rule Machine to read local temp sensors and set the heating mode to hot or cold on a virtual thermostat and controlling the Keen "dimmers", thus removing any need to use the unreliable Ecobee cloud servers.
RM and KL seem to work well together.

Sorry about that, I wish u could help more.

In light of Nest announcements to end the works with Nest program, I am considering changing thermostats. It's likely that the Nst Manager app will not be functional without the 3rd party support. Now I suppose Hubitat and Google could work together but this also means my cameras are not likely to work in Homebridge. This sucks as I just bought into Nest a few months ago. I wonder if it will be possible to use your app with another thermostat in Hubitat?

Yeah, got me too, but yes, it will work with other thermostats that follow the habitat thermostat conventions.

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I've got it working well with my Ecobee 3. The dashboard displays and serves as a control point for the thermostat, and the vents operate as expected.
Apparently the issues I was having a couple of days ago were related to yet another outage of the Ecobee servers.
KL is a nice app and a nice port, when Ecobee does their part.