Keenect Lite (Release)

I hit the config button (before seeing your request) and it did pick up the log:

dev:2392019-09-11 11:27:37.083 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object (parse)

dev:2392019-09-11 11:27:37.034 pm infoVent 3 Master Closet battery is 100%

dev:2392019-09-11 11:27:35.990 pm infoVent 3 Master Closet is on

ok, put 10 in setLevel:

dev:2392019-09-11 11:29:06.586 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object (parse)

dev:2392019-09-11 11:27:37.083 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object (parse)

dev:2392019-09-11 11:27:37.034 pm infoVent 3 Master Closet battery is 100%

dev:2392019-09-11 11:27:35.990 pm infoVent 3 Master Closet is on

Oh, that is a device error! Dev:239... Keenect isn’t throwing that error.

I’ve had this happen before. I did a exclusion of the vent and re included it. Changed out the batteries at the same time.

Ugh, all 18 vents. brb

All? Ok, there is a bigger issue here... turn on logging on the vent.

I forgot about this too!

switched to the vent that's right next to me...put 10 in the setLevel box after saving Enable debug logging and got the following:

dev:2452019-09-11 11:36:19.238 pm warndescription logging is: true

dev:2452019-09-11 11:36:19.237 pm warndebug logging is: true

dev:2452019-09-11 11:36:19.235 pm infoupdated...

dev:2452019-09-11 11:34:58.404 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object (parse)

I initially had all vents hooked up to the keen hub for a day, then unplugged the hub, and starting pairing them with HE -- pushing the black button on the vent 5 times to initiate the pairing sequence. HE sees them, and paired all 18 with no issues.

Change the vent device type to a generic zigbee dimmer. Chang the level. Change type back to keen vent. See keen vent issue post.

Just saw that in your referenced thread:

That worked. The level reported while a generic zigbee, and then continued to report it when changed back to keen smart vent. That's a weird one. Thanks for your assistance tonight.

No problem, have fun fixing that 18 times!

@npalmcsr in my tile image above, do you know what the SetPoint is referencing? I'm guessing that it's either the heatSetPoint or the coolSetPoint, baesd on what the hvac system current mode is?

That is correct, it will get populated when your system either heats or cools. Then it will use the virtual thermostat hot or cold setpoint.


I've set up a RM-4 that will set my virtual tstats if humidity is high

Humidity of Ecobee Thermostat, thSensor BR Bridget, thSensor BR Sammy, thSensor BR Ellie(82, 70.17, 54.24, ?) any is > 60 TRUE

set Mode: cool --> Cool: 67 --> Fan: on

Works (these vents on HE rock, so cool -- makes my one zone whole house HVAC into a system that will, er, IS keeping the whole house even rather than having cold rooms -- yay).

Q: I guess this might be a RM and vTstat question, but once my rule becomes FALSE, will the default values repopulate the virtual thermostats? Or will I need to put an ELSE statement in my rule saying to load the default vars into each virtual tstat? (Do you know if there's a way to say "default settings" or would I need to copy all the default settings into the RM to reset them programmatically?


you'll need an else statement. You can have RM call thermostat scheduler in RM. I have never tried it (hmmm, might play with that this weekend...)

OK, I'm moving on from the humidity RM, as it's now cold outside. So, I deleted my RM rule so that there aren't any potential conflicts.

I guess I just want to confirm the basics here: I have KeenectLiteMaster set up and tied into my ecobee4 tstat. I have KeenectLite zones set up where each zone has a virtual tstat, vents, temp sensor. Each zone also has a ThermostatScheduler app with days/times that configure temperature setpoints for each zone.

From my understanding, with setup, I don't need any Rule Machine rules. Is this assumption correct? If so, I'm not sure how to set the preferences on my ecobee4 so that it listens to HE (and the above device/app setup) as to when to turn the furnace's mode on/off.

Seems as if this is true, but that ecobee also thinks it should control it's own mode resulting in ThermostatScheduler setpoints not being reached in all zones (because, I'm guessing the ecobee tstat sensor is over-riding everything).

Do I need to get rid of the ecobee and just get a connected, dumb thermostat? One that will only listen to HE commands? Or can I set the ecobee up to do that? If not, what make/model would anyone suggest?


Ok, thinking a bit more...
I don't think one would want a "dumb" tstat, because if something happened to HE while mode on tstat was IDLE, and it was cold outside, the heat would never turn on.

So, need a way to set the "real" tstat to have a minimum setpoint (like if it's onboard sensor reads the temp as 59º, then turn the mode to HEAT). Otherwise, listen and let HE control.

KL will only use the thermostat state for what it does.
If the thermostat is in heating, KL will start controlling the vent off of the temperature sensor you specify and tries to control to the heating setpoint of the virtual thermostat you specify. Cooling it's the same except for using cooling setpoint.
If the thermostat is in idle, KL does nothing.
What I have learned is that keen vents can help balance temperatures across my house, but I have one room that does not get enough heating or cooling from the one register in the room, and it always lags the other rooms. With vents that room just doesn't lag as much as it did without keen vents.

Yeah, changing the thermostat will not help one room that just won't get warm...

I guess I need to go over to the ThermostatScheduler thread to ask the question. Thanks.