Kasa Integration Problem

I use Kasa EP10's to turn on (around 5PM) and off (around 2AM) particular lights in my home within a custom app I wrote. It has been working for months and today when I got home after 5PM the lights did not turn on yet? I went to device page and tried manually to turn on one of the lights and it did not work... I then tried others and none would go on. I then noticed the following:

In the upper right corner it has "connection: CLOUD" which does work in turning the lights on/off but when I got home and it did not work it had "connection: LAN". To get it back to CLOUD I removed the device and used the Kasa Integration app to create a new one. This has never happened before and can anyone give me a hint what might have changed this from CLOUD to LAN? This just happened today and I have not updated my system or made any changes recently. If you can't supply a solution do you have any idea without me removing and then re-installing the device how to change LAN to CLOUD in the future?

I appreciate the help... Thanks

There is nothing in the Integration App design that would cause that issue and without logs it is impossible to say what happened (exactly). There have also been no recent updates (several months) in the integration nor any of the drivers. Recovery of the original problem should have been simply completing a Save Preferences after making sure the two Kasa Cloud preferences were selected.

Possible causes of cloud failures:

  • two-factor authentication turned on in the Kasa Phone App.
  • Your local Internet failure (provider or your modem).
  • Router failure
  • KASA Cloud Failure (a lot of that has been occurring over the past few months; i.e., the airline systems going down).
  • Kasa Device Failure
  • Hubitat Crash

If you used LAN (preferred), possible causes of the failure:

  • User forgot to set Router DHCP reservation, the IP changed, and the automatic recovery failed for some reason.
  • Router Failure
  • Kasa Device Failure
  • Hubitat Crash

Items needed to proceed:

  1. Router data (devices should be on the same segment (i.e., 192.168,60) and preferably the same SSID.
  2. IP address of your Hubitat Hub and the EP40
  3. SSID security for the SSIDs if the SSIDs are not the same.
  4. Logs of the failure just prior to the changes occurring.
  5. The device page when failed.

I appreciate the feedback. This has only happened once in months so it is rare. I will start logging to the PC both Log and Events so I will not loose any info... then I might have a better chance to see what is going on. I did try to change CLOUD to LAN just to see if I could get it to work that way... NO luck. I even gave it a wrong IP in Preferences and change the two Cloud setting to off and hit SAVE but the connection type never changed from CLOUD and when I hit On and Off the light operated correctly. I will go thru your list of possible's and see if I can come up with something but I think this is going to be tuff until it happens again and I look at the logging. Thanks again for taking the time.