Jasco 45653WB Plug In Switch

I recently picked up a dozen Jasco 45653WB Z-Wave Plug In Switches. I have discovered 2 of them. They are not getting recognized correctly, not even as a Z-Wave Switch. I am able to edit the device and set the device type to Generic Z-Wave Switch. This appears to work, at least enough to be able to turn the switch off and on. These switches are supposed to have energy monitoring.

What can I post here to give someone information on the device (other than what I will include below)?
Is there a guide somewhere on how to modify device driver (handler?) code? I would like to know more about that. I do have some scripting experience. I managed to tweak a device driver for a GE Z-Wave Motion Detector so that it would be discovered correctly but that was pretty well documented in a couple of posts. I searched for this and so far have not been able to find anything helpful.

here is the data from the device discovery window.

Label: Jasco 45653WB - 2
ID: 22
Manufacturer: 0063
Product Name:
Model Number:
deviceTypeId: 128
nodeId : 22
deviceId : 3031
manufacturer : 0063
deviceType : 5250
inClusters : 0x25,0x27,0x75,0x86,0x72,0x32
outClusters :

I doubt you'll find anyone willing to spend the time to make a custom driver for an old non Z-Wave plus device that isn't made any more.

That said, if you can find a SmartThings device driver for it, it might be possible to port it to hubitat with somewhat less work.

I just stumbled across this also-recent thread and suspect you'll soon find an answer: Energy monitoring Z-Wave outlets, though I can't guarantee it will be the one you want. :slight_smile: Right now, I don't think any of the generic Z-Wave switch/outlet drivers support energy monitoring (staff will probably confirm that there soon), but some specialized ones do. The generic Zigbee equivalent supports this (if the device does) by enabling an option in the driver, so perhaps this one could be expanded to do the same, but who knows.

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