I just installed 3 Jasco Ultra Pro zwave switches out of the same box and adopted them using smart start.
In the attached screen shots I have the device info, Which is the same on each switch. I have the preference pages from all three switches and all are different. Can someone explain how this could happen and how to correct it. Each switch should have 12 options.
Hit configure on the Preferences tab for each switch.
If that doesnโt work, try changing the type/driver for each switch to Generic Z-Wave Plus Scene Switch. Hit configure on the Preferences tab after. JASCO switches are the same as GE Enbrighten.
I did what you requested but the switches still do not work correctly. One switch got the 12 options back after pressing configure but the options will not change. The other switch did not change with configure so I changed the device type and pressed configure but that didn't work either. Both switches turn on and off when commanded and with physical presses but I can't change the preferences.
Show what you have for each switch (are they all really switches, or dimmers, or some of both?) in the "Type" drop-down under the Device Info section.
For Jasco Enbrighten switches/dimmers you can set the Type setting to the built-in Generic Zwave Plus Switch or Generic Z-Wave Plus Dimmer. As noted, when you change the device Type you should save that change and then go to the Commands tab and hit configure.
I got a new in box z-wave dimmer once which for no amount of configure or refresh could sort out. Finally excluded it then factory reset it. After all that I included it and then all the driver fields populated as expected. I have had other new in box z-wave switches refuse to include until a factory reset. Seems like one in ten requires special effort to get them to play nice.
Are they all using the Generic Z-wave DT Switch driver?
That driver will query the device for all its settings when you run configure.
Turn on debug logging and post some logs when you run the configure command.
You could also try this driver which is similar in that it also will scan the device for the settings. It is known to work on the newer Jasco switches and dimmers. [DRIVER] Universal Z-Wave Drivers (Switch/Dimmer)