I previously had the hue bridge integration working. Recent I moved some stuff around including my hue bridge. The hue lights didn’t work so I removed the app and reinstalled. Now app is not finding my bridge. Works fine in Hue app and connected find to old wink hub. For sure on same LAN but Hubitat doesn’t find it. Any ideas?
The reset process for a Hue bulb isn't easy: you either need it still connected to a Hue Bridge (in which case removing it from the app when the device is powered on and the bulb is otherwise "healthy" should reset it), or you need a Zigbee remote like the Hue Dimmer, Eria Dimmer, RGBTGenie remote, or Lutron Connected Bulb Remote (the latter of which used to be the only thing people recommended for this purpose and has certainly been around the longest of the three, but don't pay insane prices on eBay for one if anyone still thinks this is the only way).
But adding Hue bulbs directly to Hubitat is generally a bad idea. If they're the only kinds of Zigbee devices you have on that Zigbee network on that hub, then it's OK; the issue is that they are poor repeaters and may eventually cause problems for anything besides other Zigbee bulbs. Hubitat's Zigbee documentation summarizes this problem, which is generally applicable to most Zigbee bulbs, not just Hue: How to Build a Solid Zigbee Mesh - Hubitat Documentation.
That being said, I'm not sure why your Hue Bridge Integration app wouldn't be working. Hubitat's appears to use SSDP to discover the Bridge. Wink might use the same, though there is a cloud-based discovery option it might use instead, so who knows. I wrote an integration that allows bypassing discovery (which I actually haven't even released in the public version yet), so you can just manually use an IP address (static required, but I'd recommend one for both Hue and Hubitat anyway), if you feel like using a third-party workaround: [RELEASE] CoCoHue: Hue Bridge Integration (including scenes!). If that doesn't work, I'd at least know what the logs the app might generate would mean to help troubleshoot.
Thanks so much. Great info. I'll try CoCoHue when I get home today. I had seen this before but had forgotten about it. I have both hubitat and hue on static IP, so should not be any issue.
In the interest of full disclosure, I am a co-founder of RGBgenie and used one of our remotes to rest my color bulbs to factory new so they could be discovered. My white bulbs didn't need this process. Many say it's a bad idea because zigbee bulbs generally make bad repeaters. Some are worse than others. But like I said, I have had zero issues. I have a dozen hue bulbs on my system and I didn't use any of the hue scenes, so it has worked out well for me.