So I'm slowly working to get all my devices added to Hubitat. I had WiFi bulbs previously, but with 50+ bulbs all outputting a WiFi signal, it was cluttering the air ways around the house.. So I opted to switch to Zigbee, even though the cost is more, and meant replacing a lot of IoT devices around the home..
I've paired about 24 bulbs so far, about halfway there to all bulbs switched over to Zigbee/Hubitat, however I've ran into a bit of an issue. As I'm waiting for some smart buttons to be delivered, so there is a more "physical" way to turn a light off/on without having to put a tablet/display in, for example, the bathroom, the controls are limited to either to physical switch on the wall, or making sure you take your phone to the bathroom with you.. well being my daughter is lazy, she just keeps hitting the light switch. With the light switch being used, when she goes to turn the light back on, its randomly turning off some of the bulbs in that room. So the bathroom has 6 bulbs in the vanity light figure about the his/her sink/mirror, If the physical switch is flipped up, all 6 bulbs turn on, but then about 5 seconds later one of the bulbs might turn off, or bulb 2 and 4 will turn off, or bulb 2, 3 & 6 will turn off, or so on (its really random.)
Is this an issue with the Hubitat? Is it sending out a "turn off command" when it shouldn't? I'm not really sure where I can look to figure out what's going on.. Seems to only happen if the physical switch is used to cut power to the bulbs, then power is restored it randomly turns off a (or more) after a few seconds..
Also, I'm not sure if it matters, but the Sengled driver marks the bulbs as being model: E11-G13 (Soft White), when they are E11-G14 (Daylight).. doubt that makes any real difference as its just a color difference in the two bulb models.
And Also.. The Dashboard doesn't seem to update correctly once power restores back to the bulbs. Bulbs are on, but the dashboard will still show them off even after a couple min