Bulbs no longer turning on correctly when power restored

I have a bunch of zigbee sengled bulbs which are on dumb switches. When I turn on the switch the light comes on, and this has worked for 18mo.

Recently, and I donā€™t know what recent update this started with, when I turn on a switch the bulb will turn on, and then back off. Cycling the switch causes the bulb to correctly light.

The Hubitat interface has always had great responsiveness. When I turn on the dumb switch I can see the light bulb turn on in a dashboard.

But now, though the dashboard shows correct when the light comes on, it doesnā€™t update when the bulb shuts off. So After the bulb turns off, the Hubitat interface still shows it as ā€œonā€. Toggling the interface button off and then on will turn the bulb on.

Any ideas?

Hubitat ElevationĀ® Platform Version

Hardware Version

Rev C-5

I updated yesterday and I'm having this exact same issue.

Zigbee bulbs on hard wired switches. When you turn on the hard switch, the bulb comes off then turn. off right away. The bulb stays on when you power cycle again.

Hubitat ElevationĀ® Platform Version

Hardware Version

Rev C-5

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2.2.5 contains legacy versions of the sengled drivers, please use those drivers if the intent is to allow these bulbs to be controlled by a physical switch.

@mike.maxwell It seems this continues to cause unexpected problems for people. Can something about this be added to the 2.2.5 release notes?
I don't see any notice of a driver behavior changes in the release notes except a note about a fix for setLevel.

@mike.maxwell Also, can you clarify what the changes were and to which sengled drivers in 2.2.5? Did the drivers get a hidden automation to ensure the lights are off after power is restored?

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There was an update for power state reporting that got missed.

Oh okay, easy fix then. Thank you!

If you can share what the difference between the legacy sengled driver and the new driver are, I'd be interested. It might be that I have some bulbs which I'd like on the new and some on the old.

The legacy driver through some quirk of fate, certainly not any design intentention, seems to work as expected when the bulbs are controlled with a physical switch, meaning after power is restored they stay on.
The updated drivers will turn the bulb off if that was the last known bulb state.
The advanced drivers have this as a configurable option.
I'll likely add this option to the updated sengled drivers in the next release, this may or may not solve issues that folks have when intentionally running these off a physical switch


Assuming that the purpose of the legacy driver is that itā€™s going to go away, what will happen when it does? Will a hub update simply make the devices un-configured? Or will it somehow get merged into the newer driver?

It doesnā€™t matter much to me not knowing ahead of time might make diagnosing the problem easier. Thanks!

It only says legacy because it was resurrected due to people having problems with the replacement driver and there needed to be a way to know which was the older driver. For me, the Generic rgbw driver works well.

Right, Iā€™m one of the ones having problems - thatā€™s the purpose of this thread. My question isnā€™t what the legacy is there, but: what happens when the legacy driver is removed?

its not going to be removed.


Do sengled bulbs now power restore when power goes out
ā€˜These https://www.amazon.com/Sengled-Smart-Changing-Google-Required/dp/B092HZTW1F/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=Sengled%2Bzigbee&qid=1622743196&s=hi&sr=1-1-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExMENUOFgyRVdHTk5RJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDU2MTU1MjFRSkdPUkhIM0ZOWCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjc1MzE2MkRGTDkyTEQ0N1ZGWiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU&th=1