Update: All Sonoff S31 Zigbee outlets up and operating smoothly - Thanks for the Troubleshooting advice!
My observations: The Rebuild Zigbee Network should be used before doing the Pairing as it makes a difference.
As well, if Device is found but pairing fails, put another Zigbee device, even if not yet paired, next to it in pairing mode, as they seem to help eachother out... It was the case, twice, in my setting up of 8 S31s.
I'm glad you were able to get things going. Honestly you shouldn't have any trouble getting zigbee devices to pair with the C8 it should just work. The experience you've had so far with zigbee is not the norm. You shouldn't have to do all that just to pair a device. Most likely not your fault. If you're just starting to build your network start off by adding all your repeaters from closest to the hub out. Then add battery powered devices if you haven't already set things up. If you didn't do that I wouldn't worry about it things will fix themselves. well they should!
Thanks. I was removing many from previous systems (have a few controllers of different types) and decided to begin by adding 2 new, still in their boxes, Sonoff S31, then I was going to 'remove' others from other system and move over to the C-8... and that is how the saga began...
My Z-Wave Sclage lock was recognized and added correctly, but is totally not controllable. and there is an Inovelli Z-Wave red dimmer, 2 feet from it, that also added and works properly... C-8 is about 15 feet from them, in an adjacent closet.
Have you tried doing a Zwave repair on the lock? Don't do a Zwave network repair just repair the lock under Zwave device settings. wait I'm not sure you can do repairs on battery devices I don't have Zwave locks. If you can't repair it try unlocking and locking the lock manually a few times. Keep the zwave logs open so you can see if it's communicating.
This is a crazy solution. The C-8 should just work. I would like to hear from @support_team as to a real fix rather than the hoops people are going through. Also, if there was a way to transfer the device between my c5 and c8, that would be at least a start.
I have a sonoff dongle P version coordinator running on home assistant VM that you can pair any of these problem devices with without doing any crazy one legged jumping jacks. I'm thinking it's a chipset problem in the C8. There's known issues with it. I'm sure the hubitat team will get it all straightened out soon.
I have 3 of these connected as routers to my C-8 and have had zero problems with devices staying connected for the past month. They really seem to shine on the C-8. I also am not having any problems pairing devices as they seem to always join through one of the dongles.
It's not just a sonoff outlets either it's all types of devices. I'm guessing the Hubitat team needs to pick their poison with the Stacks. Either have some motion or whatever battery powered sensors drop off most likely because of not so great repeaters or bad mesh. Or go with the new stack and not be able to pair many devices. You could pair all the devices I tested 2 weeks ago, what gives now?
Here's an example Video of of the C8 with the new stack and Home Assistant with a sonoff dongle P coordinator pairing the same sonoff Zigbee outlet. C8's Zigbee radio was reset before trying to pair. Sonoff outlet won't finalize paring with C8 Works Fine with HA
Oh and what's up with the C5/C7 Zigbee Polling now? Somethings changed my batteries are getting hammered. Can we get an option to turn it off? Or am I mistaken and everything is the same?
The problem is these people were the ones with the issue. I had at least four sonoff outlets paired to a c8 just last week with no issues. Now they won't pair on a fresh C8 Zigbee radio. I replicated the same problem these guys are having.I can get them to join if I rebuild the network right before pairing. video/this thread shows what's going on.
Yeah, i get that.
The issue is that we need to be able to reproduce it and capture the frames while its happening, otherwise there's no way to determine what's going on...
You flash them with the router firmware and as soon as you start the flash, hit add Zigbee device on the Hubitat hub, because they only stay in pairing mode for about 5 seconds after the flash (at least that’s what it seems like). The hub will find it as a “device” and it doesn’t need any driver, but you can use the ikea signal repeater driver if you want. @danabw wrote up an in depth guide to flashing them if you aren’t already familiar with that.
Holy Wah!!! I just added the c8 to my home set up. It is the first Hubitat product that I've tried and was, at one point, on the verge of losing my cool. I had ordered the S31 ZB plugs when I ordered the C8. I have primarily used HomeKit for my smart home stuff but that has historically kept most all of the affordable ZB & ZW devices just out of reach. Anyway, I have spent 2 days trying to get these s31 plugs to connect to the c8 and have tried every suggestion that I have found in these forums with no success. Then I happened upon your post talking about plugging 2 s31s in next to each other and how your c8 was finally able to see and add them. After 2 frustrating days of trying every other "logical" idea out there in every variation that I could think of, I threw my hands in the air and tried your little trick. Low and behold my c8 found and added each of the s31s with no problems. Thank you for posting your solution because I was on the verge of writing off Hubitat as just another half baked product that falls short of its potential. Its working for now and I hope it improves as they continue to grow.
Awesome. Im really pleased to hear it worked for you too.
I now have about a dozen Zigbee devices, including Sonoff, Sengled bulbs, and a tuya presence sensor installed, and the mesh seems really solid. another 10 or so Z wave all seem to be working well at the moment
Tp link wifi app integration also working well
Next is for me to try to het a zigbee powerbar with usb from amazon working as it is not so far