I purchased a C8 shortly after release but it has been sitting in the box while I waited for the Zigbee issues to be resolved. It seems like the posts of people with Zigbee problems have died down. So i am wondering if now is the right time to upgrade my C7. Any thoughts from C8 users?
My network is primarily Zigbee including Hue indoor and outdoor motion sensors.
It's looking quite good recently, and the most significant problems joining some devices and keeping them joined appear to have been resolved.
The main "however" at this point is probably the intermittent Zigbee radio offline/online instances that can occur for some users. I had my last ones yesterday, and they typically only last some number of seconds. However, when the radio comes back online devices may take a bit longer to reconnect.
In my case they haven't caused me any significant problems...one time in the last week or so a light didn't come on when I walked into a room. Other than that no noticeable issues...but it's a YMMV situation, if the offline/online hits you in a high-use moment it may be more of a (temporary) pain.
TL;DR: If you want to be "more sure" I'd wait a little until the offline/online moments are solved, and then jump in. If you have a working system should be no need to rush...
I have transferred more than 70 Zigbee devices from my old C-7 to a new C-8 hub. It’s a mix of Tuya, Aqara and Sonoff devices . All is working as expected, no any drop-offs in the last week after all the old series Aqara battery-powered sensors found their favourite always-on Zigbee repeating device.
Forgot to mention also 9 Z-wave devices, including the previously problematic in my environment Eurotronic FLiRS sensors and TRVs - much much better than on C-7 !
From support perspective we have seen a significant drop in incidents since the release of From a user perspective, I migrated a mesh of 80+ devices and had no issues (aside from a few Hue outdoor sensors that had to be re-paired, and that issue is largely resolved, also). The remaining issues I have seen, are some battery operated devices being stubborn to join the network. Perseverance seems to be the name of the game for those devices.
I have a small Zigbee "collection" and my experience with the C-8 was very good. I have one device that I discovered is broken... the tiny button one needs to press to get it into Pairing is defective. How/when, I don't know. I haven't clicked that button in a couple of years, possibly 4 years, because how often have I needed to transfer that device from Hub to Hub? . Pulled out a soldering iron to bridge a jumper across the switch and I should get another 4 years out of it
I'd suggest taking the migration backup from your C-7 and then power it down. Restore the cloud backup to the C-8 and everything should just work.. there are plenty of people saying just that around here. If it doesn't, power off the C-8 and power on the C-7 and everything should just go right back to working.
I’m still one of those suffering zigbee devices dropping off the mesh regularly and the radio going offline / online every hour or so. On .125. So not yet fixed completely yet.
At the moment it’s a mixture of Sonoff Buttons (snzb-01) and Xfinity contact sensors (Xfinity Security Visonic XHS2-TY MCT-350) that seem to be the most problematic (I.e drop off every 24 hours or so). But I also have problems with the ikea plugs, smartthings motion and contact sensors and Yale Assure Door locks dropping off but that is less regular (I.e only after a Hubitat firmware update or only about once a week or so).
I’ve got around 80 zigbee devices on my network. My zigbee network on my c5 was stable and over the last 3 or 4 years I don’t think I ever had a device drop off the network at all. It’s only since transitioning to the C8.
Not sure if it’s connected with my zigbee radio problems going offline every hour or so or with something else.
Edit: to restore them I generally pull the battery and then put them into pairing mode etc. Although I have stubborn smartthings motion sensor that dropped off and won’t reconnect - gets stuck on initialising when being discovered.
If you are still experiencing issues, please let me know and we will further investigate specific cases. First, be sure to update to the latest release. You may need to power cycle your hub by shutting it down from Settings, then unplug the hub for a minute when the led turns red.
@bobbyD how long would we need to wait to hear back from support.
I don't like playing the squeaky wheel so when I get no response what would you have us do?
When I sent a request a few weeks back I got no response. After updating to today I'm back with many things not working.
If you create a case at support.hubitat.com and don't get a response within 3 business days, please send me a private message. There are no cases older than 24 hours at the moment.
I believe @rlithgow1 has the Visonic contact sensors, at least I saw about 12 in his stash he posted recently...Rick - have you had issues w/those sensors as well?
SonOff button - I belive @Mayhem has reported success pairing the SNZB-01, but not 100% sure I'm remembering correcly. If I am, any suggestions, Mr. Mayhem?
I have Ikea plugs, have had zero issues w/those on any release as far back as I can remember. They just work for me. I have one ST motion sensor, also no issues, and a Yale lock that is OK.
I suspect that the offline/online jumping back and forth may be your root cause...since I (and I think others) are using the same devices. We may need for more work to be done on that issue to resolve you general device persistence issues. You might try the shut down/remove power/plug in again dance if you haven't done that in a while, and then wait a couple days to see if things improve.