Potentially silly question, but didn't find anything about this on the community forum. I'm planning on setting up a new HE installation (C7 hub) and thinking about using zooz in-wall switches (specifically the S2 TOGGLE SWITCH ZEN73).
Is there any benefit to using the Z-Box Hub alongside HE or can I just add those devices directly into HE? Basically wondering if this is like a Lutron sorta thing or can I just skip the Z-Box Hub?
@Marvinyx It's just a z-wave hub. Nothing magical about it giving their products something over Hubitat.
Its just another Z-wave hub, it would replace HE not work with it. Since we have some great community drivers for the Zooz switches
you will get all features and settings right on HE. [DRIVER] Zooz ZEN Switches Advanced (and Dimmers)
Okay, this is what I wanted to know. That's great to hear. I suspected as much, but didn't want to assume. Thanks!
Because we all know what happens when we "■■■-u-me"! DOH!
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Mr. Johnson! Is that you?! lol