Is there a way to report devices that have gone 'Inactive'

I have a webCoRE piston that checks every 2 hours to see if a device has dropped offline and gone from Active to Inactive.
This gives me quick visibility that a motion sensor, for example, has become unresponsive.
Does anyone know of a way of doing this using RM for example or any other app.
Here is the piston for reference.

I suspect you know this app already since yours post is directly above it...but just in case :wink:

How on earth did I miss this!
I had a good search and rummage but I was obviously putting in the wrong keywords.
Thanks for the reply it looks like this is what I'm after.

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I'm afraid this does not check the device 'Status' for Active or Inactive which is what I am after.
It checks for when the device last reported events. If the DH doesn't log it, then it will report even though it is still active.

I use this App all of the time. It has accurately reported devices that have stopped reporting in. For me, it works very well. You do have to pick a decent time-frame based on how frequently the device is used, to avoid false alarms.