Is there a way to open a tech support ticket? (vs. a warranty or other support)

I have read all of the posts regarding using support but there doesn't appear to be anything other than using the forum for support?

I have an issue with my C8Pro that is slowly and surely grinding to a halt - performance wise.

I posted about it here:

I was advised to PM, which I did a month ago, got one immediate response copying a platform engineer and have had no response since then despite multiple bumps.

My concern is that a PM is not being tracked in whatever support system is being used behind the scenes. Hence, my original question - is there a way to start an official tech support request so it doesn't get lost? Thanks.

Contacting @bobbyD, come in bobbyD...

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This is still under investigation.

Bottom of page, either warranty or subscriptions (if making a hub protect claim).
There is no advantage of doing that if you already have a PM going though, I think it just moves the conversation to email instead of on the forums.

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