Is there a way to get the configuration off usb port?

Looks like my c7 Ethernet gone bad under 2 years. Everything else seems to still function ok because all my automation still work. It is Very disappointing. I have a lot of automation setup, is there a way to copy the configuration to a new device using usb port? I would hate to start all over from scratch again.

You could possibly get a Wifi dongle to work. See this post.

Except, you have no way to talk to the hub, right? So it's effectively dead to you. If you give us the MAC address from the back of the hub, we might be able to see if it's online, and possibly grab your database. @bobbyD might be able to help with that.


Please send me the MAC address that's on the hub in a private message and will see what we can do to help. How do you know the Ethernet port is dead? That's highly unlikely to go bad suddenly. Have you tried resetting the network by pressing the physical button on the hub itself for 10 seconds?




Appreciate the help. the mac address is ...

I removed the MAC address from your post because that is unique to your hub. Unfortunately, the hub has not been connected to the cloud since November 30th, and it was running an older platform version then. Can you please share more about your troubleshooting efforts thus far?


I have reboot the hubitat hub several times (previously this does the trick), I have restarted my eero router. I tried to press the network reset button on the bottom of the hubitat hub. at this point, I really care for not losing the configurations which I spent many many hours setting up and really not looking forward to doing that again.

I remember there was a software update that I did, I wasn't sure when. can you check the record to see if there were a new version released around 11/30?

You can do this.


so is there nothing else i can do to save the configurations? This is a very bad customer experience.

Do you have any local backups stored on your computer? They would allow you to keep your automations and device list, but you would not have radio information to import. You would have to pair every device again, Zigbee would be fairly painless, but Z-wave would be a bit more of a pain.

Your other option is if you have the optional cloud backup service, where you could seamlessly migrate. It would have stored periodic backups off-site.

If you have neither of these, and the ethernet port is dead (not sure you have positively determined that, see below) unfortunately I think you are out of luck. The USB is a power port, no export is possible from that.

Just to cover all bases:

  • Did you try a new ethernet cable?
  • Try plugging the hub into a different router or port on the router?
  • Take the hub to a friend or family home to see if it would connect to their router?
  • Did you try the diagnostic (8081) menu?
  • Try the network reset on the bottom of the hub?
    Those are a few of the things I can think of that I didn't see that you list in your troubleshooting process.
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The experience is what you make it.

Hubitat gives you the ability to make and download local backups, which includes everything except radio data.

And, for a fee, they provide the facility to make a cloud backup, which includes everything including radio data.

If you didn't make avail of these choices, I'd say that's on you.