groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_johnrob_Zigbee_Raw_Message_4897.match_desc() is applicable for argument types: (user_driver_johnrob_Zigbee_Raw_Message_4897$_Str01_closure3) values: [user_driver_johnrob_Zigbee_Raw_Message_4897$_Str01_closure3@67ed0c] on line 73 (method Str01)
My question is: is the "zdo match_desc" a valid object or command?
However I don't know the endpoint for that cluster. I was under the belief that the match_desc query could do that.
I also have an example of getting the endpoint from this link but I haven't yet been able to figure out how it was done in the referenced code.
This device is suppose to be a UART functionally where if I send text from the hub using the above cluster and attribute I can send test to the zigbee device and read it with a arduino type board.
Care to share which specific Zigbee module you're experimenting with? The two that I know of from the past are the SmartThings ThingShield and @haas's MonaLisa. Is this a new one?
It's the same TI cc2530 SOC but the firmware is from "ptvo".
Its a base firmware with the ability to add functions. The software allows you to add predefined functions to a "base" cc2530 code creating some level of specialized.
The author has done an amazing job. I have a number of versions currently deployed. However the author's focus is Zigbee2MQTT so there not much support of our Hubitat hubs.
My current goal is to be able to send text between the cc2530 and my hub. Basically a UART function. I've been able to send text from the cc2530 but not to the cc2530 from the hub.
BTW you can program the MonaLisa board with the ptvo firmware.