Is it worth upgrading from a C-7 to C8 Pro

Thread has gone OT? :wink:

We're just killing time waiting for the 8-Pro migration firmware release to drop here :sweat_smile:


yep exactly but also trying repeatedly to update one of my hsm200's from 2.03 to 2.08..

It's good to have a hobby.

[Settles down in a chair]

Good to know where the waiting room is. I was wandering around in the lobby eating way too many bags of chips and candy bars. :wink:


I looked at that kit, but didn’t jump on it cause I wasn’t sure if the adapter kept the last voltage setting if it was unplugged or the power went off.

Do you know if it does?

Mine are an older version with a manual dial setting so I can't say for absolute certainty, but I would be very surprised if it reset to a specifc default setting after a power outage.

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i dont user them as i want my hubitats on a wifi power adapter and a ups i can reboot independently of itself.. basically because the house is empty 1/2 yr and i need to be able to power down and reboot if i want a reset of the zwave.

been in the waiting room a while.. about to go up and complain and see where i am on the list...


I've not had any issues with SmartWings or Yoolax, and not heard of issues with ThirdReality.

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wait. is there a problem getting a C8 to migrate to a C8Pro?

Thanks for the info

Yup - at the moment it's blocked. HE is working on an update to resolve it.

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ope.. not good. a Buddy of mine might be willing to take my C8, so i hope by the time i get the pro they get that figured out.

I think the operative word is "soon." But I think you're safe. :wink:

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If you are running the latest Beta Firmware on you hubs, and if you have an active "Hub Protect" subscription on your existing C8 hub, then you can easily Migrate to the C8 Pro today. I just went through that process yesterday without any issues.

However, the Hubitat Team is still working on enabling the free Hub Migration backup feature on the C8 hub, to allow one to migrate to the C8 Pro without requiring a Hub Protect subscription on the old C8. I believe this will behave just like it does on the C5 and C7 hubs, where this is currently an option as shown below.

This option is currently not available on a C8 hub. But, we've been told it is being worked on.

Again, to use Hub Protect today, you will need to be enrolled in the Hubitat Beta for both hubs.

Did you have any ZW devices as part of that migration? I seem to recall a post where you alluded to just moving zigbee stuff over...

My C8 has Hub protect and I have daily backups.

However, C8-Pro does not have Hub Protect, and it cannot see my C8 backups, it can only see my C7 backups:

C8 is on (beta), C8-Pro is on

Upgrade the C8 Pro to That'll let you see the Cloud Backups from your C8, and perform a Migration Restore.

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Good point, I don't use Z-Wave... YMMV

Yep, I was in same boat until Bryan got my Pro enrolled in the Beta -- after updating it, I could finally get to the desired cloud backups. But then ran into the ZW issue I mentioned in another post.