Here's an odd one. I picked up 50 of the Iris v2 motions sensors when they could be found for less than $5. I don't currently use most of them but I do use several.
Just a few minutes ago I took was that I had been using on my old integration and did a factory reset. I now have it connected to my C-8p. The odd part is that now it resets the motion trigger after 5 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
To my knowledge the timeout wasn't configurable. Does anybody know if the timeout may be changed on these sensors? It really isn't an issue, just more of a curiosity. I have been very happy with the performance of the sensors.
This far as I know that is correct. Itβs not configurable in the built-in driver or the iris V2 motion sensor community driver.
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I'd guess this is related to the firmware version the device is running
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It makes sense, it just took me by surprise.
As I was typing this I checked some other sensors and the are all reporting the same firmware version. The only difference I see is the "speedy" sensor is reporting 75% battery.
If I feel inspired I might take speedy down and test a fresh battery. Actually, now that I think about it this might be the case. A while back I had two rooms go into disco mode. The lights were cycling on and off every few seconds. It turns out I had two motion sensors that were reporting less than 10% battery. Hmm, now I'm going to have to grab that sensor and see what happens. Seems odd, but not impossible.
It isn't a problem, just a curiosity.
Edit: After looking at the thread posted above they are on different firmware versions. I looked at the last four digits but they were sneaky and changed the second digit. Old: 11005310 new: 1c005310 - I missed that in a casual inspection.