I can not get keypad to arm/disarm. Under keypad device page I can press button to arm, the keypad will beep and show on, the current states “security keypad” in device page says armed but hsm will state disarmed. Same happens if I use the keypad, using pin to arm or disarm 1. I have removed and re-paired. 2 I have keypad set up as a siren for intrusions and it works. 3 I do have keypad selected to arm and disarm. 4 I have arm-away when mode becomes away, arm- night when mode becomes night but nothing set for disarm ( this section confuses me of it’s purpose.)
Have you tied the keypad to HSM within the HSM app?
Yes Within the “configure arming/disarming/cancel options” I have keypad selected to arm and disarm.
Okay....and do you have a code programmed to the keypad? How are you arming the keypad. To arm away, you just have to press on. Now, you realize that arming the keypad does not change your mode to away. Changing your mode to away will arm HSM.
I thought the whole purpose of using keypad was it would change the mode to away or to disarm within hsm, since I have the keypad set to arm and disarm within hsm
Not with the default settings in HSM. They are used to set HSM based on the mode. Now, if you remove those, you can set the mode based on HSM but you have to do that in a rule.
Hmm. I did something that has it partially working. All I did was disable everything, exit and then re enable settings within keypad page and it will arm away. Still won’t to partial “night” mode. But I can live like that.
You have to remove the keyapd and hit done and then go back in and re-select them. It will then give you an option to choose night or home for partial. But only if you hare using the v2 or v3 driver. Not if you are using the Centrallite driver. The centrallite keypad has 3 buttons.
Hmm. What do you mean by 3 buttons. On, partial, off? That’s what I have. This keypad is a pain. It doesn’t beep when armed and door is opened( giving you a heads up that the alarm is on or an intrusion just happened, letting you know to disarm) It beeps only a few times when setting the alarm( not the whole time of delay). The motion sensor on device will set off alarm. ( again no warning beeps) In my readings, on the forum, I thought these were addressed in platform updates. Maybe my firmware wasn’t updated while it was on iris platform.
Centralite also manufactured these for Comcast.
These keypads have three arming buttons.
It is not advised to use the built in motion sensor in HSM.
In regards to the Iris V2, there are two firmware versions, the older firmware is buggy to say the least, attempts were made with the new driver to acomodate proper functionality of both firmware versions in the same driver, I guess we failed here...
I'll have a specific look at the conditions under which the V2 isn't honking the way it should.
Editing my original response. Ok. I see not using keypad motion sensor within hsm. You can not select “use all” as an option for selecting devices as it will select the keypad motion also. I had armed away to select all. I changed to selecting each device so that I could not select keypad motion. Thank you for getting me there
Why do you have to disable the motion on the keypad? Just don't use it for anything. Motion on the keypad is how the lights are turned on.
My alarm is self triggering without anything happening. I’m watching the “current states” on the keypad device page and watching the line that says “motion”. With the keypad face down it will go from inactive to active and trigger intrusion
Then remove the keypad motion sensor from armed home and armed away. You don't have to use all motion sensors.
Yes. Just figured that out. I had “use all” on armed away, which also selected the motion sensor on keypad.
Also mike. Beeping seems to be intermittent as right now it is beeping like it should. I will test some more to see if it stops again.
Yeah, I saw that too. I just armed away 4 times in a row, it didn't beep for the armed delay until the 3rd time. But then it did it for the 4th also. Very intermittent problem.
Is there a difference in the count down sounds between arming them via HSM and arming them via the driver ui and arming them via the keypad?
For me yes. When using keypad to arm it used beeps for the duration of the delay. The other 2 use different tones and very short duration. I do believe earlier this morning(using the driver for the keypad) produced beeps throughout the delay time period, the same as the keypad. But I was having issues at that time when the keypad driver said it was armed but hsm said disarmed.
I'm also seeing that when arming from the V2 it doesn't seem to respect the full countdown to armed away. It seems to truncate it by a lot.
And the armed away button disappeared again!!!
notDelayed is False. So, I think that something with the keypad arming away is causing that.