I've noticed that the ArmingIn parameter is different for the V2 and V3. It always says 45 for the V2 but reads 0 for the V3 until you actually arm it.
And i always get the beeping correctly on the v2 if I arm from the V3 but if I arm from the v2 or HE it never beeps for the delay armed away.
@bravenel or @mike.maxwell not sure if it was mentioned already but iris v2 keypad works fine in the countdown for armed home or away but centralite (xfinity) is not beeping. It was working in the past, but not now, I have both keypads but iris v2 was uninstalled because my wife likes the centralite, me too becuase its beeps are not so loud. I installed the v2 just for testing.
Yup...I am seeing the exact opposite with the latest firmware. The only time the v2 counts down to armed away is if I arm via the v3 keypad. All the other beeps are missing: arming from HE or from itself. I only have a delay for armed away so that 's the only one I can report on. Arming away from HE dashboard give a 3 tone been on the v2 but nothing else.
I know that. But when I arm HSM from my v3 keypad I get the countdown beeps on the V2. But when I arm from HSM or a dashboard I do not. I can't explain it but that is what I am seeing. And it is reproducible.
Okay....now I'm really confused because I just did it again twice and i got different behavior doing the exact same thing two times. So, I don't know how much reporting is going to help you mike since it appears to me that it is completely inconsistent at this time.
I have 30 secs for arming on away and home, not using night mode
Xfinity keypad(centralite driver)
Armed home from keypad, doesn't beep the countdown on any keypad
Armed away from keypad, countdown from xfinity but not from v2
Armed home from driver, countdown from v2 but not from xfinity
Armed away from driver, no countdown on any keypads.
Armed home from HSM, no countdown on any keypads.
Armed away from HSM, countdown beep works on both keypads.
Okay, here's something REALLY odd. I armed home (which has no delay), then disarmed, then armed away. The v2 and v3 counted down but the v3 stopped 10 seconds into the 45 second countdown. I canceled the arming then re-armed. The v2 did not count down but the v3 did all the way to arm. This was all done within HSM.
But I still think that the v3 is double-beeping. It is way too obnoxious in the delay-armed-away countdown. And i have it on the lowest volume possible. At the end it's beeping like twice a second. And it does 2 of the final 4 tone sequence to signal it is fully armed. And the v3 makes no beeps at all on disarm from away.
If you aren't going to make it beep less, can we get a way to deactivate the armed-away beeping on the v3. I know I was one of the ones who asked for it but this is WAAAY too loud.
Armed home from keypad, countdown from v2 but not from xifinity
Armed away from keypad, countdown started on both keypads but v2 stopped at middle of the countdown. Tested a second time, both beeps fine..
Armed home from driver, countdown in v2 but not on Xfinity.
Arm away from driver, started the countdown in xfinity but stopped in the midle, no countdown in v2. A second test both did the countdown...
I'm asking since I do not know. Would it be possible for someone to make the upgrade to the last firmware that Iris offered available? Is it possible to determine which firmware version is on a keypad?