Iris Motion Sensor

My Iris motion sensors (the V2 kind) did a couple of OTA firmware updates when they were on my SmartThings hub (so did the Iris contact sensors). Not sure what changed; I didn't notice any difference in performance after the updates.

Centralite responded to me earlier today. They have no firmware for that device that kills the LED. But I'm not their customer, Lowes is. I'll ping Lowes and suggest a change.

FWIW the newest Iris branded motions are not Centralite products, they changed manufacturers. I mention this because it may be a wasted effort.

This. I kinda doubt Lowe’s and centralite have any interest in adding a new firmware for these things with more user-configurable options.

If this is an important feature, it makes more sense to buy a sensor that supports it (which costs more, as @mike.maxwell pointed out).

Alas, any sensor that is software-configurable (i.e., parameters) is probably Z-Wave, and as I've documented a time or five in the past. Z-Wave motion sensors tend to be a bit slower to register motion than ZigBee sensors. If speed is important to you and you otherwise like the Iris sensors, the "black tape" workaround might not be a bad option. :slight_smile:

That being said, I once found the LED annoying, but I've grown used to it. Even in my bedroom, it doesn't bother me, and anywhere else, it's nice to know if something fails whether it's just a dead battery in the motion sensor (so no LED) or a problem elsewhere (though the "elsewhere" problems have greatly diminished now that I'm not relying on a certain other platform's cloud).

How did you open it up without destroying it?

I'd like to put them in places without drawing too much attention to them being there. An LED flash would get someone's attention.

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Like a lot of plastic snap together devices. The Iris are tricky the first time, pretty easy once you see it happen.

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Sorry, new to this. I was able to get the motion sensor added as a device. It's set up as generic zigbee motion sensor, but it will not show up in a dashboard even after selecting it to. It's also not updating anything when I'm in looking at the device page.

Nevermind, figured it out. Thought it was a V1 Iris sensor. Deleted it and readied just using signee and it's working now.

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