IP or Wyze Cameras

Hi All,
C7 model. I already have 3 wyze cameras reporting to dashboard. I want to mount a tablet next to front door to control camera. I would like the camera on the hubitat dashboard and allow use of microphone. What are your thoughts ? Anyone else doing this or should I just load wyze on the tablet by itself ?


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wyze cameras do not support external web based streams outside of their app


You can flash the wyze cam with rtsp firmware. That's for v2 cams and the pan-tilt of the same vintage. I don't know the situation for v3 cams. I've run it, but it's too laggy for me - a general rtsp issue. It's also a pain to flash onto a pan-tilt - an extra eyeball would help.

I would not attempt to make my own doorbell camera unless it's something you want to do for knowledge and are willing to spend a lot of time on it. I think it will be more money than a commercial door bell cam.

Thanks all will probably just use wyze app on the tablet then probably be easiest