Integration of frient, complete device catalogue into Hubitat

Can we get back to a discussion of devices?

If users have (off topic) feedback for one another, or want to call each other names,* spare the rest of us and stick with a separate PM please.

*But keep in mind that ad hominem attacks are a violation of forum rules in PMs too.


It's possible you have misunderstood my need and didn't see my other posts linked above about wanting specifically a pulse monitor because I wanted to monitor pulse. You can measure water meter or gas meter pulse as well.

Well, since this is a thread about Frient products and this is a Frient pulse monitor it's implicit we are talking about the support of a Frient pulse product rather than trying to steer people away from a product that Frient is kindly sending to Hubitat and offering across the globe.

I set out wanting specifically a pulse monitor because that is my use case. My use case is not measuring usage of circuits. It's exactly measuring what the Power company is using for billing and in a more granular format than what they expose to the customers.

So, thank you Frient for your support of the products and offering Develco products to the globe.

I received my device. If and when you have some driver support working I'm here for beta testing if you need some help.

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@AABfrient , I have one question about the AirQualityIndex variable. Sometimes this number goes very high, I saw even 18. Isn't this be between 1-5 ? How to translate this number to TVOC ppb or TVOC ug/m3 ?
using hubitat c7 , firmware thanks!

Hey - Just checking in if there is any update on support for the keypad?

Iā€™m in the same bucket as everybody else looking for an outdoor HE supported keypad.



No disrespect, but it's almost 1 1/2 years since your reply concerning Phase 2 and the Frient keypad and driver.

Are we any closer in getting the Frient zigbee keypad working with Habitat? There aren't many if any, present manufactured keypads that work with Habitat. Really interested with it's many features to incorporate it into my HSM.

Many thanks


This driver is still being worked on, I don't have a specific release date as of yet.


Thanks so much Mike for the update. That's all I can ask for and appreciate your time responding.


To be honesty I am not too impressed with the use of the Generic Zigbee Outlet for the Mini Plug. Its provides next to nothing in the way of information, just power and on. Why can't we have a proper driver for it that reports Amperage, Energy etc? The generic driver is not really adequate. based on what I am seeing.

As it is I am using the Tuya Zigbee Metering Plug because it at least extracts a decent amount of information from the device.

@AABfrient Any ETA of when USA market can get these? Really want to get some of the products.

I have no idea when Frient will enter the US market. I imagine they would want too but its probably not easy with the very broken patent system that exists in the USA, but that's speculation on my part.

What makes you think patents are the issue?

Theyā€™re at risk of their intellectual property being stolen if they sell products in the US? Or they have violated someone elseā€™s IP rights in the US and would subject themselves to liability if they sell products here? Or something else?

I realize you said you were speculating but I donā€™t even see how the ā€œbroken patent systemā€ sounds even plausibly related, respectfully. Maybe Iā€™m just unaware of how revolutionary Frientā€™s products are or theyā€™ve already been targeted by patent trolls or something? Please elaborate if you can.

I would guess that the biggest barriers to any smart home product being marketed for sale in the US would be FCC certifications, and if the products are plug-in or permanently wired, safety certifications like UL or Intertek. All of that adds cost and complexity to the development process.

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If you want to market products in the US you have to be VERY careful, its all to easy to fall foul of some spurious patent owned by a patent troll. So you have to do quite a lot of research to avoid potentially costly legal proceedings. Trolls are sadly a part of the US patent landscape and European manufacturers tread carefully when trying to market goods in the states as a result. I speak from personal experience.

And sure, there is also the certifications and UL approvals to get done too, all quite costly and time consuming.

As I said it pure speculation in my part but I can tell you in Europe, falling foul of US patent trolls is a very real concern, far more so than it is in Europe.

I would imagine itā€™s all of the above. And who knows what else. Seems like they make nice zigbee devices, hope they do expand to the US sometime.

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I have the frient air quality sensor and it's been quite nice...

I have a temp/humidity sensor and two smoke detectors, all very good.

Are the frient heat alarms supported?

Both the Frient Smoke Detector and the Heat Alarm devices are supported natively in Hubitat.

Seems to be well made and quality devices, I just ordered these for myself.

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Wish the Frient keypad had a Hubitat driver. It seems to have many nice optional features and Hubitat could use a modern keypad choice

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