Integrating Kwikset 910 (Z-Wave) Lock With Google Home

This lock is working with HE (rev c-8) but seems not to work with Google Home as the documentation from Kwikset claims it will.

I've authorized HE for GA and selected the lock device. GH comes back with no compatible devices found.

When i retry authorization GH lists HE as having 4 devices (none of which can I find in GH), authorization works again but again no lock shows up in GH.

Wondering what to try next. Thanks.

Sorry for the conflicting information. Our built-in Google Home integration doesn't support locks, currently. Only switches, dimmers, thermostats, RGB, RGBW and ColorTemperature bulbs.

You may want to check out the custom Google Home integration that is maintained by the community, which offers additional capabilities not available via the built-in integration.


@LittleNoel you could use virtual switches to control the lock (s) and then expose those switches to Google...

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I thought of that too but when I tried it the switch did not show up in Google. I am brand new to this hub so I will work some more on it and maybe discover what I did wrong. I guess you've done this before?

When you create the switch you need to expose it to google. In the google integration for Hubitat click on devices and then the virtual swit h

virtual switch has been migrated to google home. thanks for help

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Hello Im really new to this Z wave stuff as well. I have a 910 Zwave 500 chipset lock that is hooked up to hubitat C7. Ive installed everything and it locks and unlocks just fine through hubitat app and PC. I have Google Home and would like to integrate the lock to my google home as well but when i tried to go to hubitat and link account it does link and see the hub but then screen just goes back to "Choose a Device" and the lock is never integrated to Google Home. Is there a workaround or a fix to get my lock to show up in Google Home? Please explain steps as im a newbie. Thanks!

Believe it is still the same answer as post #2 - the built in Google home integration does not support locks.

You either have to make virtual switches mapped to the lock/unlock (switches are a supported device type on the built in integraton), or use the Community maintained google home integration.

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Ok i managed to figure out the virtual switch mapping and got it to google home which is a step in the right direction. Now i have another question. so when in google home when i turn On or off the switch it locks and unlocks the door as expected but if its in the "on" position in the app and i manually unlock the door the app does not update that is is "off" or unlocked. Is that something that can be fixed? also what is the community maintained google home integration?

There are integrations and drivers written by the community here. Take a look at this post, it will help avoid zome gotchas. Pay particular attention to the z-wave section of the post and ghosts (ghosts will kill your mesh) and look at the section on Hubitat Package Manager to install community apps and drivers.

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