Hmm, looks like the old Jinvoo.
Can you post the Device pairing info
e.g. Old Jinvoo strip:
Manufacturer: _TZ3000_cfnprab5
Endpoint 01 application: 64
Endpoint 01 endpointId: 01
Endpoint 01 idAsInt: 1
Endpoint 01 inClusters: 0000,0006,0003,0004,0005,E001
Endpoint 01 initialized: true
Endpoint 01 manufacturer: _TZ3000_cfnprab5
Endpoint 01 model: TS011F
Endpoint 01 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 01 stage: 4
Endpoint 02 endpointId: 02
Endpoint 02 idAsInt: 2
Endpoint 02 inClusters: 0000,0006,0003,0004,0005,E001
Endpoint 02 initialized: true
Endpoint 02 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 02 stage: 4
Endpoint 03 endpointId: 03
Endpoint 03 idAsInt: 3
Endpoint 04 endpointId: 04
Endpoint 04 idAsInt: 4
Endpoint 05 endpointId: 05
Endpoint 05 idAsInt: 5
@kkossev found some issues with different strip versions working well only with specific HE hub versions.
Personally I tried a ZigBee strip with a C5 and ended up returning it.
Would be really nice to find something that plays better with the Hubitat C5.