I picked up a kit, hoping to not use the zigbee-ish ... base station thing? No luck getting it to work with Hubitat. It works flawlessly with the base station. Sucks to have 2 zigbee networks in such close proximity. I'm concerned about interference, but it... seems... to be OK so far?
today I install a second hub to balance load I got over 150 devices on my original hub , the sound controller look there were "working" on the old hub move it to the new one and I get them to pair but nothing happen on status change try to move it back to the old hub and got nothing, I try both drivers.
is someone still got this buttons "working" I know is have a lot of issues. should I stop being atractive to this devices? they are really cheap and nice looking
well don't delete them because for some strange reason (look like is the norm on this ikea devices) there are not working anymore on my new or old hub.
Sounds like a similar problem to what I had after replacing battery. This is what I had to do to fix it. (I'm now receiving duplicate events though... haven't had a chance to try & fix that yet).
that work for me I have 2 of this devices the first one when at the first try, the second one took me 4 or 5 attempts but they are boths working now. thanks @cometfish
i thinks only one i get this on the logs: dev:332020-02-24 06:51:53.120 pm info sendButtonEvent: sendEvent(name: "pushed", value: 1, descriptionText: "Ikea Zigbee Sound Controller button 1 (singleTap) was pushed", isStateChange: true)
i cant get mine to work its discoverved but it wont trigger or report any events help
ive tried both the round light dimmer and the symfonisk round cand get either to triger or send any events
pff this device is just not working for me. I tried the fixes here. It does connect, but doest work. Why can it not just be plug and play... It did work befor, but the battery went dead within 2 weeks. Now i have tried to readd it ( tbh i did remove the device completely after it didnt work when the battery was replaced). I used the 2 tabs solution , pressing configure when i just added it, but now its not doing anything at all anymore (no signals in the log).
Is there a simple fix for this?