Ikea Tradfri Gateway integration

Hey everybody,

I'm still new to smart homes and just set up my Hubitat and trying to wrap my head many things. I've used the search function before starting the topic and didn't find a sufficient answer for me. So far I know, that not all Tradfri devices work with the HE, especially switches. Trying to use GH as a middle man doesn't work either. What I've found is Hub connect. I understand, that it is used to connect several HE and also that there is a version for ST to connect HE and ST.

Question for me is: Isn't there a way to connect the HE and the Tradfri Gateway in a similar way, especially because they are both LAN-Devices, as far as I understand it. It seems to be possible in HA (IKEA TRÅDFRI - Home Assistant).

I think I've found something, that it isn't possible because of a non open API(?) which confuses me even more, because for what I've read, it has an open API.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I have no IT background it still try to understand most of the stuff...

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AFAIK, there is no OFFICIAL API to access the Tradfri gateway over the LAN. The Home Assistant component you linked to uses a reverse-engineered API.

It would be foolhardy for Hubitat, the company, to spend time creating an integration based on an unofficial API that it subject to unpredictable changes, creating a support nightmare. Home Assistant, not being a commercial product, doesn’t come with the support expectations of a commercial product like Hubitat.

That being said, there is nothing to stop the development of an (unsupported) community integration for Hubitat. Have at it!


I have some of the Ikea devices that aren't supported by Hubitat and I'm in the middle of moving over from SmartThings, so my plan would be to just use the SmartThings -> Hubitat integration for those devices not supported by Hubitat.

So if you already have a SmartThings hub I'd say that would be the easiest way.

Assuming you do have the ST hub already I personally setup the official integration Hubitat™ SmartThings Integration - Why Hubitat Elevation - Hubitat
which was really easy to set up and get going.

You can't share buttons directly from ST to HE, however that's not a big deal as you can easily make some virtual switches in ST that are controlled by the IKEA buttons and then share those virtual switches with HE. That's what I'm planning to do myself at some point next week when I move a few more things over to HE from ST.

Note that the official ST to HE integration is only one way, which for me is enough and it's very simple to set up. If you need 2 way integration you can have a look at the community integrations for that.

As for a native Tradfri to Hubitat integration I wouldn't hold my breath for it unless you want to have a stab at converting the HA integration into a HE integration. If it works for HA I'd be pretty confident that it would work for HE, but I don't expect there are any developers that would have an interest in doing it

Actually, it won't, as least not natively. :slight_smile: You'd need something in the middle, possibly Home Assistant itself. I looked into this a while back, and it's why I never pursued the project. The Ikea Trådfri Gateway only only has an API over the COAP protocol, which Hubitat doesn't support. So, you'd need something in the middle to "translate" to HTTP or something else Hubitat can understand. It would, as noted above, still be "unofficial" in any case, so I wouldn't count on Hubitat themselves doing it, but a community integration isn't possible without a "man in the middle" solution as-is, though that would certainly be possible if anyone found it worth the effort.

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The Ikea Trådfri Gateway only only has an API over the COAP protocol, which Hubitat doesn't support.

Ok, why isn't it supported? I'm not complaining, I really just want to understand. And is it the same problem with the broadlink integration (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/broadlink/)?

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You learn something new everyday.
I found this which could be ran on a Pi or some other local computer https://github.com/glenndehaan/ikea-tradfri-coap-docs

If works it would be almost half the battle. I'm not sure on the Hubitat side what would be the best to integrate with. Perhaps some more code on the same Pi or computer talking to Maker API?

Anyone who creates a working and stable integration for IKEAs Trådfri gateway will be doing Hubitat and therefore, us all, a big favor I would say. So go for it! :+1:


If works it would be almost half the battle. I'm not sure on the Hubitat side what would be the best to integrate with. Perhaps some more code on the same Pi or computer talking to Maker API?

Comparing to Systems like the Broadlink, as far as my small knowledge can tell, the Maker API should work. But that is pretty cool. Having a similar protocoll the the Broadlink on the same Pi and you have a very nice and especially inexpensive Smart Home. :smile:

There are many protocols out there at the application level which I believe COAP is at, MQTT is another protocol, and it would take a lot of time for Hubitat to support all the protocols.
If you think about it your windows computer doesn't support a lot of those protocols either natively. The advantage is that windows and Linux too for example is so popular that adding support for a lot of protocols is as easy as installing a program. Hubitat is not as open as your windows or Linux computer and the variety of programs available for Hubitat is much more limited

There are many protocols out there at the application level which I believe COAP is at, MQTT is another protocol, and it would take a lot of time for Hubitat to support all the protocols.[...]

Oooooh, ok, that makes sense! :astonished:

Thank you for answering newbie-questions. :sweat_smile:

For Broadlink by the way there is a native integration available. The developer for it is no longer on the forum but it still works and there is community fort for it.
I will be using that integration myself as soon as my Broadlink arrives.

Don't quote me on this as it's just a guess, but the reason I think the Broadlink integration is native as it likely just uses a HTTP REST interface (something that is supported by any browser and also HE)

I personally don't have a Tradfri gateway even though I have a few of their devices. The only reason I might think to buy their gateway if in the future when I try to migrate their blinds from ST to HE I come across issues that will be solved in a better way using the Tradfri gateway

For Broadlink by the way there is a native integration available.

Ok, I've just seen, that it was withdrawn and thought I would need another solution. Good to know. :smiley: