Ikea Blinds

How come my listing shows in full and the listings of others show only the beginning?

You probably didn't use the <> button above around the code section. Also, the nice boxes are links to another site, and not just a cut/paste.

Oh, and once you put it in the <> code, you can press the gear on the right, and "hide" so there is only a small arrow to expand your post. It makes it MUCH easier to read the thread that way.

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I agree. Thanks
I’ll try to edit it to see if I can fix this...


What's the smallest in length I can cut these down to? I have a two windows around 45cm, wondering would it be ok to cut down to this length.

You don’t need to cut the length. It is programmable to set the length. Easy to program too.

Sorry no not the drop length. I mean the width of the window is about 45cm

You can cut it as short as 30 cm. See this


Any update on getting the button controller to work? I was hoping I could pair the blinds to the HE hub and the button at the same time. But it seems I can only pair to one or the other. It would be nice to still be able to use the button near each blind to have local control.

Not yet. Got too many things going on at the same time. I hope to be back into this project within a week.

I have the same hope.... having a button near each one would be great. I’ll keep you posted.

Heya fellas! I'm really excited about the work you all have done here.

Unfortunately, mine did not do what was shown here. I can get the repeater to show up, but not the blind.

I have gone into the repeater and scrolled to the bottom of the Device Type list and selected the Ikea Blinds under User Drivers. I've also made sure that I have the most recent driver.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong here but I'm just not seeing the blind. In my ignorance, I even attempted to see if going into the Repeater device and clicking Close, or Open, or entering 50 for Set Level and smackin' that option.

I think I heard the blind laugh at me.....in Scandanavian. Those Vikings sound mean even when jovial!

What can I provide you guys in terms of data, to help you, help me, figure out where I full stupid?

The repeater is a standalone device. You add the blinds separately as new devices.


Thank you, Jason.

I actually didn't know that until I saw the picture that @morningz posted. That's when I knew for sure that something wasn't right.

For the life of me, I cannot get the blind, itself, to show up when I do a zigbee scan.

Follow the reset procedure for the blinds and then immediately start the scan. That worked for me although sometimes it took a couple trys and patience

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Thanks again, man!

I think the last 7 words in your comment are likely what I'm dealing with....

I hit the reset pin hole in the repeater for 15 second and check that it's flashing ready to pair, I pair it just fine. Then I mash the two button on the blind itself, and hold them until I get the light confirming it's ready to go.

Then scan away and come up with a repeater and no blinds. Reset the blinds again, and try again. No bueno.

This leads me to believe that it's like you said, keep trying and have patience.

I just wanted to see if I was doing something on the level of licking windows is all.

Now that you have the repeater paired leave that alone and plugged in.

When you reset the blind and scan, you say it shows up as a repeater? Does it say " previously joined device"? I wonder if when you accidentally made the blind a repeater by selecting that in the drop down, your hubitat just keeps re-adding it as a repeater.

I would delete everything and start again. Delete all devices (repeaters) start one by one and reset/join them.

I did the blinds first so I knew they were blinds and not repeaters.

Interesting! I didn't know that was possible. I just figured that the blinds were found because the repeater was passing them on.

I don't have the Ikea Hub. I had been using the blinds on SmartThings just fine.

Do we NEED the repeater for HE or can I just do the blinds without it, like I did with ST?

No sir. I miscommunicated that. I either get the repeater, or nothing at all. If I get the repeater, I don't get anything else. I don't get the repeater a second time, if I already have it.

That's how I've rolled every time. This brings me back to your previous statement regarding patience. I've seen elsewhere that these things can be a pain to pair (even with their own Ikea hub), and that it often takes several attempts.

Once my wife is done with her Zoom School of Law class, I'll be able to get back into the bedroom and mess around with them again.

If you think of anything more, keep it coming, man! Thanks again for going through it with me!

You don't need the repeaters for the blinds to pair. But I have a good ZigBee mesh to begin with. I did add the repeaters later but it's not necessary for initial install

How far from the hub are you? Maybe try pairing them at the hub, then pairing the repeaters in place. Then put the blinds in the final location and let the mesh heal.

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This changes everything!

So, I should be able to just reset the blind, sans the repeater, like ST does. Just reset the blind and scan for it?

Now that is likely the issue...

I have a 3300 sqft house and my hub is upstairs on the opposite corner of the house from the master bedroom.

My other Zigbee devices like my Keen smart vent, or even the Ikea repeater, pair with HE pretty quickly. Those are in the same room as the blinds.

Yes just reset the blind and scan (no repeaters). But do it close to the hub.

Once joined, hang them where they are going.

Then reset/scan for the repeaters in place.

Sit back and hopefully the mesh will work itself out.

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Good news!

After just doing it a number of times, HE found the blinds! It was simple from there on out.

Thanks again for the help, man!

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