Ikea Air Purifier Support? (Starkvind)

Has anyone tried to get the Ikea Starkvind air purifier working on Hubitat? It pairs right away and shows up as Zigbee etc, but does not provide any actual integration. I can't turn it on or off or set the level. I can't get the readings on VOC or CO or whatever I normally would through the Ikea hub.

I guess it works nicely as an air purifier, but the whole point was integration.

STARKVIND Air purifier, white - IKEA CA

What does it show up as in the device page, i.e. what is the "Type" for the device, or the driver?

The Type field is "Device". Zigbee ID shows up properly in Device Information, and under Device Details, the Data field shows:

endpointId: 01
application: 10
softwareBuild: 1.0.033
inClusters: 0000,0003,0004,0005,0202,FC57,FC7D
outClusters: 0019,0400,042A
model: STARKVIND Air purifier
manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden

Is that what you mean?

Is any of this useful? This is in the logs, but mostly seems to be repeated in the data field. From the logs:

The Type is the driver that the HE hub has identified as the best fit. Based on what you have posted and my own understanding, I think Device is what is assigned when the HE hub can't identify what the device is, in terms of devices it knows about.

I can't offer a lot more advice aside from my interpretation of what you are seeing, hopefully someone else can provide some options for you....

In terms of "what I meant"... This is what I was referring to from the Device Edit page:

Okay, thanks. The Type field shows "Device" in it. As below:

Ok, feels like the HE hub has been able to establish communication with the device and received the basic info that you posted earlier from the logs, but it doesn't know what it is from the list of supported devices and drivers that are built-in. You may be able to find something built here on the Community or some integration via another platform that integrates with HE.

Any progress in getting STARKVIND into HE? Thinking about to get one and it would be nice to control it from HE.

I haven't heard anything, and didn't progress on it myself. I wish it had, but it seems to be yet another zigbee device that I'll have to bridge through some other platform.

I would prefer to have it on my main ZigBee mesh though.
I might my the new IKEA hub but it feels unnecessary since I only would use it for Starkvind.

Iโ€™m following up on this as well. I agree that for this one device, getting an IKEA hub seems a bit overkill since Hubitat can see it. :frowning:

Yeah, a bunch of us are waiting/hoping. Haven't heard anything.

Iโ€™m literally going to have to purchase a IKEA Dirigera hub for my one Stakvind (maybe some in the future). I have no other IKEA devices. :frowning:

So, with a little testing, I found out how to have some minimal control over this device. If you set the type to Nue Zigbee Fan Controller, you will be able to set the fan speed to 1, 3, or 5. Clearly no Auto or air quality stats. For my immediate purposes, this will do as I intend to have to turn to 5 at night and when we are away and 1 when we are home. So, if that works for you, itโ€™s possible to use it now and not purchase an IKEA hub. :slight_smile:


Okay, this is exciting! Nice find! I tend to put it on high for a while, then back to auto when I'm done. I didn't really need the air quality stats feature, although that would be nice too.

I wonder if some driver wizard can see what is working here to actually add this to Hubitat native?

Hello Brianlees
unfortunatelly, it doesn't work for me
Device is in mesh, but it doesn't respond to any command

Any idea to get it work?

This Ikea Air Purifier is just another Zigbee device that do not pair correctly in HE (C-7 hub).

Attn: @mike.maxwell

I've tried to re-pair it:

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I recently got an air purifier table from IKEA (with the 10% December discount) and managed to put together a driver for it. You can find it, together with the other drivers for my IKEA toys, here:

Have fun!


I placed an online order (for the white model) with confidence now! :slight_smile:

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