This post is sorta just to kill some time, provide my observations and opinions as someone new to home automation (HA) and just a general Hubitat Elevation (HE) user. Hopefully it will provide something worthwhile for anyone who runs across it later or at least provide another thread for general chitchat of some sort.
I bought HE after researching local based HA solutions. I never got into recent HA because of external or cloud requirements and all of the things that come with it.
I was split between HE and HASS.IO. After reading that HASS.IO was going to be doing a complete architecture rebuild and understanding that it could be pretty complex to get going with, I decided to bite the bullet and pick up HE.
I currently only have two things connected to HE right now, an Inovelli plug and a Aeon Multi Sensor 6. But, I have two dresser drawers filled with over 50 brand new devices waiting to get implemented. Each one has been carefully purchased based on the original compatibility thread, the new compatibility page, and reading tons of threads.
The only reasons I haven’t hooked them up is because lack of time and because I am going to implement all the HA stuff just enough to really surprise the wife with my new secret obsession. She has no clue what I’m up to.
I know I have a lot of work to do and it won’t be as simple as “click - done”. But, I don’t expect it to all be overly hard either.
From lurking on the forums the last week or so, one might think HE needs a ton of work to get going, is super buggy, and doesn’t provide a lot of desired capabilities. Or think that official support can be lacking and untimely at times.
While in some respects I guess that could be true to a point (hear me out first). Overall I don’t believe it is all those in the grand scheme of things.
Since purchasing my HE last year, I have seen official documentation get better, more and more devices are supported, and more community apps and device handlers (DH) have been created. It has come a long way that is for sure.
Honestly it is quite impressive when you think about it all. Sure there are some issues to some extent. I am sure I’ll have quite a few when I cover my house with all the things.
I say it is impressive because it is.
I mean the forum says that there are 7 admins/staff and 1 moderator. Who knows how many other people are officially working for/on HE, but it can’t be a lot.
God only knows what sort of income stream they get from running this platform. Purchase cost only? That isn’t much when you think about what the profit could actually be on each one, especially after having to maintain web services for the website, forum, cloud integration, etc, etc. So my general assumption is that they aren’t rolling in dough from their new business just yet, especially for what it seems they have to put into it and continue to do daily. (Soon they’ll have a new model out and maybe the smartphone app)
Guesstimating, lets say they sold 5,000 units by now at $125 each (actually between $99 and $150). That equals $625,000. And let’s be super generous and say they get to keep more than 50% of that... so 325,000. If only the seven admins/staff had to split that, it’s only roughly 46,428 each. That’s not much to be throwing a party over. And with all that math, I’m believe I’m being super generous.
From reading threads, you could come to the conclusion that there are roughly 75 people (guesstimating) developing apps, DHs, and providing technical input and feedback all to support HE and things they enjoy. And they do it all for free.
So at the end of the day, it is pretty darn impressive what HE has become in such a short time.
To end my novel of a post, I just want to say kudos to everyone involved at HE and here in the forums. It’s a really awesome start to a cool platform no matter what anyone else says.