Humidity Sensors - Recommendations

Hello all, I've been reading through the posts and am still looking for a reliable Humidity sensor. I have one of the Aquara ones, but as seen in previous posts, they tend to drop off every now and then. My use case is as follow. Humidity reaches a certain level, bathroom fan turns on.

I've looked at using a motion sensor with humidity, but would really like a device that does humidity only. I also don't want to spend the extra money on a multifunction device. ALSO, I find that the multifunction devices I do have (always motion sensors) prioritize the motion above all else, so when motion is detected, thjey don't report humidity.

In any case, if someone has figured this out, has a working set up with the same results or whatever, please please let me know.

I use the Iris 3rd gen sensors for both of my bathroom fans and they work great for me. And they are cheap!


OMG, they don't say Humidity ANYWHERE!! I would have completely missed these in all of my searches.

I'll order one and see how it goes.


I'm using one Aqara temp Humidity sensor and this one as well.
Both not dropping off using @markus's drivers and not the Konke driver.

Driver for Tuya temperature and humidity zigbee sensor

Zooz ZSE40 functions perfectly. It is multifunction, but has been kicking in the de-humidifier in the bathroom accurately. I've checked the humidity reported on the sensor (on the wall) vs the de-humidifier (on the floor) - they are within 5% of each other

I’ve got Konke temperature and humidity sensors that have worked perfectly for about a year.

THANKS ALL. I've ordered some of the Iris ones. If anything, I can use them for other things in the future.

I'll let you all know how it goes once I get my hands on them.

@aaiyar, where did you pick up the Konke?

I think aliexpress or gearbest. They were cheap - about $10 each. And there's two community drivers that work with them.

Edit: It was AliExpress.

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Ok, so I've tried the Iris ones and I find them a little slow to report (humidity). The Aquara ones were super fast (when they worked).

On to the Konke. I bought one of AliExpress so it may arrive in time for Christmas. :slight_smile:

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Got it. Works great!


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