This isn't about the upgrade at all. It's about the Rachio integration code has no ability to re-authenticate, so if authentication breaks (say if I changed my password on the Rachio servers) then the integration cannot be fixed unless you remove it and reinstall it. And this could be very disruptive on large or complex integrations.
Exact same problem. My Racchio integration broke. User name is populated. UserID is not.
I feel your frustration. It’s a simple fix, but I just haven’t gotten the acknowledgment from the developers that they acknowledge the problem, or desire to fix it.
All that they need to do is create a validate function that tests to make sure the three authentication values exist, if not, allow the user to re-authenticate. And if login failure is detected(http 401 or 403), allow user to re-authenticate.
As it is, the only fix is to delete the integration and start over.
Do you know if you get the same errors with rhe Rachio Community version of the integration? That community integration is built from the same base code as the native integration, so it would be an interesting comparison to see if there’s an issue with underlying code or an issue somewhere else. Since I actively maintain that community version, I wouldn’t mind looking into the issue on that version for you, if the errors in the native app are frustrating enough to move to a third party integration.
Appreciate the offer but this is not something that occurs frequently. It has happened to me twice now in several years and only this once can I confirm definitely the issue is as described because the first time I wasn’t aware of the settings view to diagnose it. It was many years ago. I would rather leave the system as is unless it becomes a recurring problem.