Hubitat supporting WiFi devices..?

Hi all, apologies if this has already been discussed or should be obvious -- feel free to point me to an existing thread and I will close this one.

I've been exploring different dark corners of the HE settings and stumbled upon the below.

Does that mean that Hubitat also supports / can support connecting WiFi devices (e.g. WiFi bulbs) without any workarounds, e.g. IFTTT? I realise this goes against the main advantage of Hubitat being local, but I do have some legacy WiFi devices that I would like to continue to use (and I do through IFTTT integration). Or am I reading this section in a wrong way?


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I believe this was in the release notes for 2.2.4.
This gives the option of connecting your hub to your network via wi-fi instead of using an ethernet cable.
This doesn't open up access to wi-fi devices on your hub.
Could be wrong though.

There was also a thread around this published by the HE team.


Got it! Cheers!

Found it.


@bobbles is correct. However, Hubitat has always supported select devices on the local WLAN. For example, Sonos speakers and Yeelights on the local LAN are officially supported.


I think shelley is as well


As an add-on. There are a number of Community Developed integration of wifi devices. Before you buy any wifi device not on the compatibility list (List of Compatible Devices - Hubitat Documentation), search on this forum for the device and read carefully if the support is available, stable, and reputed to not interfere with other Hubitat functions.



Absolutely. LIke your TP-Link Kasa integration, which is widely used!


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