Does that mean that Hubitat also supports / can support connecting WiFi devices (e.g. WiFi bulbs) without any workarounds, e.g. IFTTT? I realise this goes against the main advantage of Hubitat being local, but I do have some legacy WiFi devices that I would like to continue to use (and I do through IFTTT integration). Or am I reading this section in a wrong way?
I believe this was in the release notes for 2.2.4.
This gives the option of connecting your hub to your network via wi-fi instead of using an ethernet cable.
This doesn't open up access to wi-fi devices on your hub.
Could be wrong though.
There was also a thread around this published by the HE team.
@bobbles is correct. However, Hubitat has always supported select devices on the local WLAN. For example, Sonos speakers and Yeelights on the local LAN are officially supported.
As an add-on. There are a number of Community Developed integration of wifi devices. Before you buy any wifi device not on the compatibility list (List of Compatible Devices - Hubitat Documentation), search on this forum for the device and read carefully if the support is available, stable, and reputed to not interfere with other Hubitat functions.