Is there a command or something that I can use in rule machine to force hubitat to shut down.
I'm not sure it's really necessary but the goal is to monitor a device that when it loses power to shut down habitat. My habitat is on a battery backup but if my power goes out I would like habitat to shut down gracefully.
Is this just a dumb idea? Not sure it would work as I would expect hubitat to only have the option to restart.
Here’s a driver that will do a similar thing in device form. I use this driver for a similar purpose, to shut the hub down when the ups battery gets low.
Yeah. A bit tricky as the device "Monitoring" would need to be battery powered too. However, I figured I can use a relay that has 120 running the coil (or low voltage coil powered by a wall wart). If the 120 is lost the relay opens. The zwave device (ecolink contact switch or something) would then report the "Open" condition triggering a shutdown. Or maybe a 10min timer then shut down to buffer against quick power glitches that my UPS would hold up to.
I think most people do a timed shutdown like you are suggesting. I think you basically have the right idea with the relay and contact sensor. There are at least a couple threads on here about power loss monitoring using a sensor like you suggest.
There are several devices posted that can do this. The ring range extender is one I know off hand. It has main power and battery and can tell you when it is on which. I plug that into a regular outlet and use it's state to control the hub shutdown.
One issue with using a zwave contact sensor to monitor the relay is if the z-wave contact sensor is repeating through a powered z-wave device. With that said I’m basically doing the same thing with out any problems yet.