Hubitat Mobile App Released

As we work on fixing a few bugs (thanks to all that have helped in reporting, tracking down and reproducing many of them)... Here are a few tricks that some are using to fix certain issues getting started.

First, known issue, it is best to not name / change the label of your Mobile App Device for now. If you do, do not use anything but alpha numeric for now, otherwise your device list might not populate and duplicate devices will most likely be generated.

Second, if you aren't getting geofence events, a couple things can be done, move the pin in and out of the current location or go into settings and click send geo event.

Third, can't hurt to go into settings "select hub" and pick your hub and then your current device. Some users have reported that this fixed their issues.

Fourth, after initial install, toggling on/off wifi might be enough to create a geo event, similar to #2...

Fifth, username / email is case sensitive as is password. Make sure you have your email exactly the same as when you registered. Can check what account on hub ip/hub/register for what account(s) are linked / registered to that hub.