Hubitat is Awesome!

Totally agree, it's the best grown up toy I've bought for many years. Loads of fun.

That's way too modern, I started with a CPM machine that required an earthing strap on your wrist. cpm

The mouse was not invented for about 6 years later

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Well, since the nostalgy comments has begun, here is the first computer I ever worked with:
Present you all the mighty IBM 370/165.

One of those was installed at my university - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC/RJ - when I started college. By that time it was the largest IBM mainframe in latin America.

Good times ... the window to the world was a CRT terminal with 24 lines of 80 characters ... And in black & white!


Nothing to do with this thread, but since we're posting our first computers... I learned Basic on this in high school:

To get the thing running you had to insert a bunch of instructions in memory with the toggle switches, and then you could load Basic via the paper tape reader on the attached TTY machine. First real program I wrote was an interactive blackjack program. It was fun, but at the time I had no thoughts about programming as a career.

Wasn't until many years later that I bought a TRS-80 Model 3, and it's been downhill ever since.


November 18th was when I received my C7 to replace my SmartThings v2. Been less than a month and I'm moving full speed ahead with no plans of ever going back.

Keep up the great work folks. :vulcan_salute:


"boot strapping" a DEC pdp8... remember it well.

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I started on the IBM 360, and we used Punch Cards to program it.


I still have a stack of those....

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Lol. Same here! They’re great for taking a quick note...

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