Hello @ stefanoschiavi00,
The Eurotronc TRVs (also Aeotic, Danfoss, POPP, Fibaro, etc.. eTRVs ) are fully autonomous thermostats that feature built-in PID control algorithms. The main benefit of such TRVs should be the smooth proportional regulation of the radiator temperature, respectively the room temperature by fine adjusting the flow of the hot water. If everything operates as supposed, a PID controller should be able to provide much more precise temperature regulation, if compared to a simple ON/OFF regulation. There should be no big overheating, no big under-heatings..
Unfortunately (at least in my case) Eurotronic TRVs do not work reliably... The main problem that I observe is that the TRVs seem to be 'losing calibration'' with the time, leaving the radiator valve not completely closed even when the device reports that the valve is open 0%. This happens with all my 3 Eurotrinic z-wave TRVs, usually after a day or two of normal operation, and results in overheating.
A workaround for this problem seems to be performing a sequence of:
- 'Boost' (completely open the valve)
- 'OFF' (completely close the valve)
- 'Heat' ( normal automatic operation).
Performing every day the above sequence of commands ( either manually from the TRV knobs or on an automatic schedule from RM4 ) seems to patch the overheating problem for now...
This is a sample graphic of one of my TRVs:
There were better graphs showing in a much more visual way the tendency of how the valve loses the closed position calibration, unfortunately, I don't' have screenshots from the previous days.
It may be simply bad luck purchasing 3 faulty Eurotronic TRVs, but definitely, for me, this device is NOT something that works out-of-the-box.