I’ve had a zigbee Zen thermostat for a couple of years. I bought a second hand one from the US when they were taken off shelves here due to Telstra making them exclusive... I had no end of problems with it. Happily Zen gave me a replacement (they are actually a Melbourne company) and it’s been significantly better.
As a thermostat it's fine, and pretty much the only choice if you don’t have a C-wire (like most in Aus). The Hubitat driver for it is a bit flakey - 1 time in 20 the command will get received and then will revert after a minute or so. The Smartthings driver can be copied and it works a lot better. Still not 100% though, but good enough. I actually have a rule machine rule that does a sanity check to make sure my Thermostat Scheduler settings have run (like make sure it really is set to a low heating temp by 10am on a weekday).
General question, with JB having a sale on should I grab a Smart Things hub to flash firmware etc on ST devices ?
Thanks for the feedback @pjam73. Seems like the Zigbee zen is one of the better options
Sanity check is a good idea. I'll check it out.
I have just moved my last devices off my ST hub and don't plan to use it again, you are welcome to it.
I had the same thought question.
@jchurch - Are you able to give me a bit more info on your heating/cooling?
Do you have iZone controllers and link those to Hubitat? If so, how... what communication method do they use. I.e. Z-Wave, Wifi etc.?
How many zones do you have?
Who did the iZone system for you?
Sorry for the 20 questions. Im finding there is so little information, and llimited products, in Aus for heating/cooling automation.
The iZone sensors in each zone operate on RF with a CR2032 battery. They all talk to the iZone router (it's in the roof space sitting ontop of the ducting unit). iZone supply you with a WiFi bridge device that you plug into a power socket and into a network port but that talks to the device in the roof space too. iZone support API's so this is the device it's all handled through. You can find alot of the information in the manual here.
5 zones.
No worries at all. iZone is a really good system I haven't had any issues with it. I like the fact that it allows you to talk to it via a ton of API's so it's pretty open. In relation to the HE drivers though I paid for these to be developed so if you do end up wanting them I am happy to split that cost but we can talk more about that if that's the route you go. I can also explain about the settings you'll need to configure to make it all work too. I worked with the developer and iZone support to get it going.
@saxnix do you have other St devices or just the hub, from what I understand you would still need the hub if you needed to flash your other ST devices.
No, I don't think I have any ST devices.
Edit: Just the hub.
Thanks, mate! That is some great info! I really appreciate you taking the time to break it down for me like that.
I am almost finished building our new place so once in I will definitely explore this.
Anyone find a better way if viewing logs then the HE Web UI?
Are there any suggestions of apps to use to view logs generated from HE?
Node Red? to a SQL db.
I recently set up InfluxDB and Grafana, which do a pretty good job.
I plan to try getting data into Google's Data Studio, probably through MySQL (which may mean setting up Node Red).
Hello Mike
Any luck with connecting your Zconnect gate opener? Thank you
Yep all working fine now. There is a standard driver now. Let me know if you are having a problem and I'm happy to connect and step you through it. I'm central coast NSW near woy woy. So east coast time zone!
Hi Mike
Thank you for good news. Could you please let me which driver are you using and if you were able to use both dry contacts and the sensors.Even being able to use bothe dry contacts that it will be really good. Regards
Looks like zemisamrt has started to get their zigbee devices certified for AUS/NZ.
Do they work in HE?
Should be ok using the built in Nue driver as Nue switches are rebadged Zemismart switches anyways but obviously needs to be tested.
Nice looking switches too. I do prefer a physical switch over a touch switch.